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类型:全真试卷  解析:有解析  年份:2024  收藏  纠错

Part Ⅰ  Listening Comprehension



Section A


Section B


Conversation One


Conversation Two


Section C


Section D


Part Ⅱ  Vocabulary ﹠ Grammar

There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark thecorresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.

1、 It is necessary to have at least one advanced degree in order to ______ in today's job market.

……此处隐藏57280个字…… reach their full potential.On the downside, having frequent exams can induce stress and lead to test anxiety.

     Conversely, reducing exam frequency can alleviate academic pressure and foster healthier development among students. However, without regular assessments, students may develop a habit of procrastination.Personally, I am in favor of frequent exams. The anxiety that comes with exams can actually be beneficial. Itprepares students to cope with pressure and strengthens their resilience.

    [解析] 本文属于优缺点类作文,要求考生讨论两种考试时间表的优缺点,然后表明自己更喜欢哪一种并说明理由。题目中的两种考试时间表分别是:(1)经常考试或小测验,可能每周一次;(2)只在课程结束时进行一次综合考试。建议先介绍两种不同考试时间表,再分别讨论两种考试时间表的优缺点,最后表明自己更喜欢哪一种并说明理由。    


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