- While writing an invitation letter, to ensure the receiver is going to 2021-07-03
- When responding to a letter of invitation, you can start by mentioning 2021-07-03
- If you invite somebody to speak at a conference, you should mention in 2021-07-03
- Like all the business letters, the professional invitation should be w 2021-07-03
- It’s rude to mention the date on which the receiver of the letter sho 2021-07-03
- The content of an invitation letter usually include ___________. Aintr 2021-07-03
- Two major purposes of an invitation letter are________. Ato invite the 2021-07-03
- “Yours sincerely,” is an example of a _______________. Aletterhead B 2021-07-03
- Which of the following statements are right concerning the body part o 2021-07-03
- In ___________, the first line of each paragraph is indented and there 2021-07-03
- The purpose of a letter is included in the _______________. Aletterhea 2021-07-03
- The first word of a complimentary close should be capitalized. 2021-07-03
- “Ms” is used for ________________. Amarried women Bsingle women Cnei 2021-07-03
- The recipient’s name and address are called the _______________. Alet 2021-07-03
- In a business letter, _________ refers to the full address and zip cod 2021-07-03
- In a business letter, “Dear Mr. Johnson” is an example of a ________ 2021-07-03
- In a business letter, the _____________ is when the letter is written. 2021-07-03
- Which of the following are correct concerning personal letter? AA pers 2021-07-03
- Letters are generally divided into business letter and personal letter 2021-07-03
- When writing business letters, we should _________. Awrite clearly and 2021-07-03
- Casual words and slang as well as the light, conversational tone shoul 2021-07-03
- Personal pronouns “I” and “we” have the same meaning when writing 2021-07-03
- Which of the following is NOT a business letter? AA letter of inquiry 2021-07-03
- A conference notice is a formal way to inform the prospective particip 2021-07-03
- We can acquire conference information from_________. AInternet Bacadem 2021-07-03