- In pronunciation teaching, more importance should be attached to stres 2022-06-30
- Such elements as _________, accuracy and complexity are included in sp 2022-06-30
- Planning and monitoring can be categorized into _________ . ( ) Acog 2022-06-30
- As for selecting listening materials, _________ means that both the le 2022-06-30
- Production activities in grammar teaching are designed to promote ____ 2022-06-30
- Two frequently used grammar teaching methods are _______ and deductive 2022-06-30
- The three dimension of grammar are form, meaning and _______. ( ) 2022-06-30
- Grammar is best perceived as a tool or means to be used in the _______ 2022-06-30
- _______ technique lends itself particularly well to action verbs and i 2022-06-30
- Students should be able to_______the vocabulary terms they have learne 2022-06-30
- To know a word means to know its _______. ( ) Aform Bmeaning Cuse Da 2022-06-30
- automatically in speaking or writing. ( ) APassive vocabulary BActiv 2022-06-30
- _______ is a major characteristic of spoken English, and makes English 2022-06-30
- Phonological awareness refers to an individual’s awareness of the ___ 2022-06-30
- In designing language teaching procedures, we can use ESA model. ESA i 2022-06-30
- Instructional objectives need to be specific, observable and _______. 2022-06-30
- When designing instructions, whatever models we use, _______ should be 2022-06-30
- Among many theories, three principal ones that influence most instruct 2022-06-30
- 9.1915年9月,陈独秀在上海创办《青年杂志》。他在该刊发刊词中宣称,“盖改造 2022-06-06
- 10.1924年1月,中国国民党第一次全国代表大会在广州召开,大会通过的宣言对三民 2022-06-06
- 15.2012年6月27日,中国宣布在南海地区对外开放九个海上区块,供与外国公司合作 2022-06-06
- 1.爱迪生在发明电灯之前做了两千多次试验。有个年轻的记者曾经问他为什么遭 2022-06-06
- 2.俄国早期马克思主义理论家普列汉诺夫说,绝不会有人去组织一个“月食党”以 2022-06-06
- 8.文化强则中国强。建设社会主义文化强国是实现中华民族伟大复兴的必然要求 2022-06-06
- 7.劳动、资本、技术、管理等生产要素是社会生产不可或缺的因素。在我国社会 2022-06-06