- Which is of the followings is the main feature of Hui Cuisine? ASeafoo 2021-01-09
- Hubei food is one branch of ______. AYue cuisine BHui cuisine CXiang c 2021-01-09
- Epicure in Chinese means ( ) A画家 B美食家 C作家 D书法家 2021-01-09
- International Chinese Food Day is set on March 25th because this day i 2021-01-09
- Sui Yuan Shi Dan is written by Su Dongpo. 2021-01-09
- Which gift should be presented in five rites except in Nazheng? AChick 2021-01-09
- Which of the following customs is not practiced on the wedding day? AP 2021-01-09
- Which of the following is not the reason for bride to cry for marriage 2021-01-09
- Three Letters refer to the followings except_________________ , and th 2021-01-09
- Six Rites are Nacai, Wenming, Naji, Nazheng, Qingqi and Returning to t 2021-01-09
- Wedding day symbolizes the end of wedding ceremony. 2021-01-09
- Which dynasty did one-piece gown-style garments start from? AHan Dynas 2021-01-09
- What must Shenyi (深衣) conform to in the Warring States Period? AReli 2021-01-09
- Which of the following is NOT a typical characteristic of the early Ma 2021-01-09
- Traditional Chinese cheongsam was mainly asymmetrical with the buttons 2021-01-09
- The English loanword cheongsam comes from the Cantonese pronunciation 2021-01-09
- The high stand-up collar is the most traditional design of collar for 2021-01-09
- Which of the following is not a typical custom on the Dragon Boat Day? 2021-01-09
- Typical patterns of paper-cuts for wedding include the following excep 2021-01-09
- The complete system of philosophy that Chinese folk paper cutting embo 2021-01-09
- The oldest surviving paper-cuts in China are the two excavated in Asta 2021-01-09
- Paper-cuts for the dead and the immortal were a set ritual in funerals 2021-01-09
- “A pair of fish with human faces” (人面双鱼) on painted pottery from 2021-01-09
- It was in _____________________ that the emperor announced the result 2021-01-09
- The order of _________________________________ can be changed alternat 2021-01-09