- 柱状图用英语如何表达 Abar chart Bcolumn chart 2021-04-16
- ie chart是什么意思 A派 B饼形图 2021-04-16
- 线形图的英文是 Aline graph Bline chart 2021-04-16
- 根据本节内容,table是什么意思 A桌子 B表格 2021-04-16
- reservation A保护 B预定 2021-04-16
- 护照 Apassport Bvisa 2021-04-16
- 房间类型 Aroom rate Broom type 2021-04-16
- reception A接待处 B接受 2021-04-16
- 标准间 Adouble room Bstandard room 2021-04-16
- credit card A信用卡 B身份证 2021-04-16
- I really appreciate what you have done for me. 是什么意思? A我很感激你 2021-04-16
- It is very kind of you.是什么意思? A你真善良 B你真的很乐于助人 2021-04-16
- 以下哪一种不能用来回应感谢 AYou are welcome! BIt is OK! CYou are wonde 2021-04-16
- gratitude的意思不包括 A感谢 B感激 C你好 2021-04-16
- It is so generous of you to give me a help. 这句话是什么意思 A感谢你给 2021-04-16
- According to the video, what will the interviewer ask in a small talk? 2021-04-16
- Most interviews will start with ____. Aself-introduction Bhandshake 2021-04-16
- We should be polite in a small talk. 2021-04-16
- When the interviewer ask "How are you doing?", your answer should be _ 2021-04-16
- Which one is not included in the tips for the interviewees? APractice 2021-04-16
- Which one is true about the notice? AIt is a short letter put in a pri 2021-04-16
- What elements are included in a notice? ATitle BBody CWriter DDate 2021-04-16
- The title "Notice" should be capitalized in the middle of the first li 2021-04-16
- In a notice, what should be mentioned in the body part ? Athe event/ac 2021-04-16
- Among the following tips for writing good notice, which one is false? 2021-04-16