- Suppose that rack dimensions and the S/R machine speed are such that 2021-04-25
- In which scenario, the rack is said to be square in time (SIT)? 2021-04-25
- Explain the “ABC” phenomenon for inventories. 2021-04-25
- Which description about RMFS is incorrect ? ( ) AThe core components o 2021-04-25
- Which description about the SOQN of RMFS is incorrect ? ( ) AThe trave 2021-04-25
- The queueing network is stable if ( ) AThe arrival rate of the orders 2021-04-25
- Which is incorrect about the start intersection of a robot trip in RMF 2021-04-25
- In the solution procedure of the SOQN, the synchronization station is 2021-04-25
- Use AMVA to evaluate a CQN, we need to know these parameters in advanc 2021-04-25
- The detour distance is either or , depending on ( ). AThe locati 2021-04-25
- The time for each server to complete the current order consists of: ( 2021-04-25
- In model M1 where the single-line orders without storage zones are con 2021-04-25
- Give a brief description of RMFS and its operation process. 2021-04-25
- Explain open queuing network, closed queuing network, and semi-open qu 2021-04-25
- What are the advantages of the SOQN model over the travel time model? 2021-04-25
- Which descriptions on AVS/RS are incorrect? () AHorizontal movement an 2021-04-25
- Which descriptions about the Multi-class SOQN of AVS/RS are incorrect 2021-04-25
- To calculate the overall routing matrix of the multi-class SOQN model, 2021-04-25
- In AVS/RS, suppose the numbers of aisles, tiers, and bays (columns) pe 2021-04-25
- In AVS/RS, suppose the number of tiers is 8, and the arrival rates o 2021-04-25
- The vehicle and lift stay where the previous job task was completed, w 2021-04-25
- In AVS/RS, suppose the number of tiers is 8, and the arrival rates of 2021-04-25
- Give a brief description of tier-to-tier AVS/RS and tier-captive AVS/R 2021-04-25
- Give a brief description of the storage and retrieval process of AVS/R 2021-04-25
- How to solve the multi-class SOQN? 2021-04-25