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Suppose we are given an instance of the s−t shortest path problem on a directed graph G. We assume that all edge cost are positive and distinct. Let P be a minimum-cost s−t path for this instance. wd6答案窝(daanwo.com)-大学生作业答案及考资分享平台

Now suppose we replace each edge cost ce by its square, ce2, thereby creating a new instance of the problem with the same graph but different costs.wd6答案窝(daanwo.com)-大学生作业答案及考资分享平台

Decide whether you think the following statement is true or false.wd6答案窝(daanwo.com)-大学生作业答案及考资分享平台

P must still be a minimum-cost s−t path for this new instance.wd6答案窝(daanwo.com)-大学生作业答案及考资分享平台
P must still be a minimum-cost s−t path for this new instance.wd6答案窝(daanwo.com)-大学生作业答案及考资分享平台



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