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类型:全真试卷  解析:有解析  年份:2017  收藏  纠错

Part Ⅰ Cloze

Most Americans believe that our society of consumption-happy, fun-loving, jet-traveling people creates the greatest happiness for the greatest number. Contrary to this view, I believe that our present way of life leads to increasing anxiety, helplessness and, eventually, to the  1   of our culture. I refuse to identify fun with pleasure, consumption with joy, busyness with happiness, or the faceless, buck-passing "organization man" with an independent individual.

    From this critical view our rates of alcoholism, suicide and divorce, as well as juvenile  2  , gang rule, acts of violence and indifference to life, are characteristic sy ……此处隐藏89710个字…… rough development can we protect basic civil rights of the people; only through development can we promote the progress of human society.     50、(1)他们觉得得到什么都是应该的,这种对权力的歪曲认识在工作中和人际交往中都会成为阻碍他们成功的绊脚石。心理学家们说,其实溺爱子女的父母可能会使子女将来更容易产生焦虑和沮丧情绪。






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