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类型:全真试卷  解析:有解析  年份:2019

Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure

1、Once a person starts taking addictive drugs, ______.

    A.it is most likely he will be led to take more

    B.he will probably take them over and over again

    C.he is likely to continue taking them

    D.he will have a tendency to continue taking them


2、At the top of the hill ______ is where they live.

    A.to the left of the tall oak

    B.and the tall oak is to the left

    C.left from the tall oak

    D.to the tall oak's left


……此处隐藏82694个字…… 而是对科学的纯粹好奇心和对科学的美学追求。     37、Most things cannot be enjoyed without friends — but reading can. While sitting alone in our house we can travel around the entire world, and we can understand the reason for thousands of things. Living in this age we can talk with those who lived thousands of years ago. Reading broadens our experience. It enables us to feel how others felt about life, even if they lived thousands of miles away and centuries ago. Although we may be unworthy, we can become the friends of wise men. Only books can give us these pleasures. Those who cannot enjoy them are poor men; those who enjoy them most obtain the most happiness from them.    

Part Ⅳ Writing

38、 略    39、   略 


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