- When one word ends with a consonant, and the next word begins with a v 2021-04-16
- When one word ends with a consonant, and the next word begins with a s 2021-04-16
- If one word ends with a plosive, and the next word begins with a plosi 2021-04-16
- What does sentence stress mean in Chinese? A重读 B连读 2021-04-16
- How do we stress words in English sentence ABy saying them more loudly 2021-04-16
- Generally, the loud spoken words in sentences are: Apronouns, prepositi 2021-04-16
- Generally, the weak and quick spoken words in sentences are: Aprincipa 2021-04-16
- In a sentence, content words are stressed, while function words are un 2021-04-16
- What does Rising and Falling Tone mean in Chinese? A句子的重读 B升降调 2021-04-16
- Can falling tone be used in ordinary statements? AYes BNo 2021-04-16
- Can rising tone be used in WH questions (special questions)? AYes BNo 2021-04-16
- Can rising tone be used in imperative sentences or strong commands? AYe 2021-04-16
- Can falling tone be used in Yes–no questions? AYes BNo 2021-04-16
- How we pronounce the -ED ending depends on ______. Athe final letter o 2021-04-16
- /p/, /f/, /s/, /t/, /t∫/,/∫/, /θ/, /r/, /h/, /ts/, and /tr/ are __ 2021-04-16
- When the final sound of a infinite verb is a voiced consonant or a v 2021-04-16
- When the verb in the infinitive form ends in either a /d/ or /t/ soun 2021-04-16
- Please choose -ED ending in which group can be pronounced as /t/? Acall 2021-04-16
- How we pronounce the -ES /S ending of plural nouns depends on ______. 2021-04-16
- The -S ending in the following four words, roofs, lips, desks and boat 2021-04-16
- The -S ending in the following four words, computers, gloves, schools an 2021-04-16
- The -ES ending in the following four words, dishes, watches, glasses and 2021-04-16
- When the singular form of a noun ends in /s z ʃ ʒ ʧ ʤ/ sound, the 2021-04-16
- When “can” occurs in a sentence as a modal auxiliary, it is read as 2021-04-16
- When “can” occurs in a sentence as a noun, it is read as ________. A 2021-04-16