- Each standard relational model is isomorphic with a dependence model, 2021-04-29
- Each general relational model is a p-morphic image of a standard relat 2021-04-29
- Each F-type structure is induced by a dependence model. 2021-04-29
- LFD is decidable. 2021-04-29
- The axiomatic proof calculus for LFD is complete. 2021-04-29
- LFD= with term identities is explicitly axiomatizable. 2021-04-29
- SAT for LFD is Pspace-hard and 2NEXPTIME. 2021-04-29
- SAT for LFD= is decidable. 2021-04-29
- Independence is the negation of dependence ¬DXy 2021-04-29
- The modal logic of LFD + I is decidable. 2021-04-29
- LFD with announcement of the actual value of x is undecidable 2021-04-29
- LFD + PAL is axiomatizable 2021-04-29
- Temporal dependence logic is axiomatizable. 2021-04-29
- The axiom Op→p of S4 expresses the topological property:inclusion. 2021-04-29
- The axiom Op +口p of S4 expresses the topological property:idempotence 2021-04-29
- The axiom D(e Aw))口e A Oy of S4 expresses closure of open sets under int 2021-04-29
- A modal formula is topologically valid iff it is provable in S4. 2021-04-29
- Each pre-order induces a topology, where topological modal evaluation 2021-04-29
- Duplicator has a winning strategy in the comparison game over k rounds 2021-04-29
- A modal formula is provable in iff it is true in every model based o 2021-04-29
- The following formula holds in a topological space for all valuations(i 2021-04-29
- On betweenness frames, Associativity is equivalent to Pasch' Axiom. 2021-04-29
- The basic modal neighborhood logic is undecidable, with lower computat 2021-04-29
- Each two-player zero-sum game of perfect information with finite bound 2021-04-29
- The forcing relation p's,X in a game tree holds if player i has a stra 2021-04-29