- Forcing relations as defined above are evidently closed under superset 2021-04-29
- Any finite perfect information game G between players i and j yields p 2021-04-29
- Any two families F1,F2 of subsets of some set S satisfying conditions 2021-04-29
- ImoveaJsmoveeswine v<movea>lmove/rwing A or Ehas a winning strategy 2021-04-29
- (6agEsstrategy omakes game G have only runs withe 2021-04-29
- WIN;分(end A win:)V(turn;A(move-i)WIN,)V(turn;A Imove-j]WIN,) 2021-04-29
- WIN;=up.(end A win,)V(turn;A(move-i)p)V(turn;A[ move-jlp) 2021-04-29
- M,s={i}p iff player i has a strategy for the subgame starting at s tha 2021-04-29
- We can add a new strategic modality {i}o describing the powers of play 2021-04-29
- The modal fixed point formula {i母p=up·(end Ap)V(turniA(move-i)p)V(turn;A[mov 2021-04-29
- Call a move a dominate if it has a sibling move all of whose reachable 2021-04-29
- On finite extensive games, the Backward Induction strategy is the larg 2021-04-29
- Powers of players in imperfect information games remain the same under 2021-04-29
- The Backward Induction relation is definable in LFP(FO). 2021-04-29
- In each finite game M,f#(M, rat) is the actual BI path. 2021-04-29