- 【简答题】You can answer the question either in Chinese or EnglishA 15-year-old African-Am…
- A 55-year-old British teacher presents with weight loss, weakness, muscle atrophy, and dec…
- The oxygen carrier of muscle is the globular protein myoglobin. Which of the following ami…
- A 6-year-old African American girl with speech delay is found to have a large, abnormal pe…
- Select the one of the following statements that is NOT CORRECT : A、Ion-exchange chromato…
- Select the one of the following statements that is NOT CORRECT : A、Protein folding is …
- Select the one of the following statements that is NOT CORRECT : A、Changes in configurati…
- Select the one of the following statements that is NOT CORRECT : A、The Bohr effect refe…
- Consider the amino acid shown below. The configuration about which atom will determine whe…
- Which of the following amino acids are belonged to the acidic amino acids? A、Phe Tyr B、M…
- The covalent bond formed between the carboxyl group of one amino acid and the amino group …
- A part of protein sequence that can form a compact three-dimensional structure and often c…
- Proteins are large biological molecules consist of which of the following amino acids? A…
- Which of the following amino acids are belonged to the basic amino acids? A、Phe Tyr B、M…
- Consider the following structure: This structure is best described as which of the follow…
- A 56-year-old pathologist was taken to his family doctor by his son for he was showing moo…
- When using Biuret's test, which macromolecule will produce a positive reaction (colour ch…
- A single polypeptide that assembles with other polypeptides to form a protein complex is b…
- How many amino acids are involved in making proteins in humans? A、5 B、20 C、35 D、64
- Amino acids join up into a large chain (polymer) to create what biological molecule(s)? A…
- Lipoproteins transport lipids from intestine and liver where they are absorbed and metabol…
- If the DNA strand shown below is used as a template for RNA polymerase, what would be the …
- All of the following are true of RNA polymerase except: A、Catalyze the synsthesi…
- A careful analysis of cellular components discovers short-lived RNA species in …
- A patient suffering from chills, vomiting, and cramping was rushed to the emergency depart…
- An intestinal cell line was being studied for its ability to produce lipid-containing part…
- A man with a bacterial infection was prescribed rifampin to resolve the infection. Rifampi…
- Small snRNPs are involved in: A、Translation B、Transcription C、mRNA processing D、Ca…
- All of the following are true of RNA polymerase except: A、It binds to most regio…
- The site to which RNA polymerase binds on the DNA template prior to the initiation of tran…
- case study A 25-year-old Mediterranean female presents to her obstetrician at 12-weeks ges…
- why mammalian genomes are 100 times the size of bacterial genomes yet are replicated in ju…
- A 2-year-old child presents with poor weight gain, sparse hair, unusual face with sunken e…
- Part of the triplet genetic code involving mRNA codon triplets that start with U is shown …
- Replication of DNA starts with the unwinding of the entire DNA molecule. Each original str…
- DNA replication results in: A、Protein production B、Two new daughter strands C、Heavy …
- DNA replication is semiconservative. Why do you think this is true? A、Requires …
- Why does lagging strand synthesis consist of discontinuous Okazaki fragments? A、…
- Single-stranded binding proteins (SSB) bind to the outer backbone of DNA during replicatio…
- Telomerase contains a ribozyme. A、Telomerase contains a ribozyme. B、Telomerase adds a…
- DNA replication is not perfect; a mistake is made for every 104 to 105 nucleotides added. …
- case study A 2-year-old Scottish-American girl presents with deeply pigmented and scarred …
- 发生在肝生物转化第二阶段 A、葡糖醛酸结合反应 B、氧化反应 C、还原反应 D、水解反应 E、脂化反…
- 胆汁中含量最多的有机成分是 A、胆色素 B、胆汁酸 C、胆固醇 D、磷脂 E、黏蛋白…
- 属于次级非结合胆汁酸的是 A、甘氨胆酸 B、牛磺胆酸 C、鹅脱氧胆酸 D、牛磺鹅脱氧胆酸 E、石胆酸…
- 下列关于游离胆红素的叙述,正确的是 A、胆红素与葡糖醛酸结合 B、水溶性较大 C、易透过生物膜 D、…
- 下列哪种物质是结合胆红素? A、胆红素清蛋白 B、胆红素-Y蛋白 C、胆红素乙蛋白 D、葡糖醛酸胆红素 …
- 完全性梗阻性黄疸时,正确的是 A、尿胆原(-)尿胆红素(-) B、尿胆原(+)尿胆红素(-) C、尿胆原(-)尿胆红素(+) D、尿胆原…
- 胆红素生成的限速酶是: A、单胺氧化酶 B、血红素加氧酶 C、胆红素加氧酶 D、胆红素氧化酶 E、胆…
- 下列哪一物质为初级结合胆汁酸? A、石胆酸 B、牛磺胆酸 C、脱氧胆酸 D、鹅脱氧胆酸 E、甘氨石胆酸…
- 肝穿刺活检发现肝大.肝细胞内糖原颗粒累积,颗粒糖原分支处仍然保留单个葡萄糖残基,可能功能有缺陷的…
- Select the one of the following statements that is NOT CORRECT : A、The Bohr effect refers…
- 以醋酸纤维素薄膜作支持物进行血清蛋白质电泳的缓冲液常用的pH为 A、3.5 B、5.5 C、6.5 D、7.5 E…
- 在血浆蛋白电泳中,泳动最慢的蛋白质是 A、清蛋白 B、a1-球蛋白 C、a2-球蛋白 D、B-球蛋白 E、-球蛋白…
- 血浆蛋白质中含量最多的是 A、清蛋白 B、α1-球蛋白 C、α2-球蛋白 D、β-球蛋白 E、γ球蛋白…
- 具有氧化酶活性的是 A、免疫球蛋白 B、肌红蛋白 C、脂蛋白 D、铜蓝蛋白 E、清(白)蛋白…
- 转运游离脂肪酸的是 A、免疫球蛋白 B、肌红蛋白 C、脂蛋白 D、铜蓝蛋白 E、清(白)蛋白…
- 合成血红素的原料是 A、CoA、甘氨酸、Fe2+ B、琥珀酰CoA、甘氨酸、Fe2+ C、乙酰CoA、组氨酸、Fe2…
- 下列关于血红蛋白合成的叙述,正确的是 A、以甘氨酸、天冬氨酸为原料 B、只有成熟红细胞才能进行 C…
- 属于血红蛋白直接分解产物的物质是 A、胆红素 B、血栓素 C、细胞色素c D、血红素 E、胆素原…
- 下列关于血红蛋白的叙述,错误的是 A、是含有铁卟啉辅基的蛋白质 B、存在紧张态和松弛态两种构象 …
- 成熟红细胞不具有的代谢途径是: A、糖酵解 B、磷酸戊糖途径 C、三羧酸循环 D、2,3-BPG支路 E、氧…
- 男,51岁,近3年来出现关节炎症状和尿路结石,进食肉类食物时,病情加重。该患者发生的疾病涉及代谢途径…
- 与体内尿酸堆积相关的酶是 A、酰胺转移酶 B、四氢叶酸还原酶 C、转甲酰基酶 D、黄嘌呤氧化酶 E、…
- 体内嘌呤核苷酸的分解代谢终产物是 A、尿素 B、NH C、β-丙氨酸 D、β-氨基异丁酸 E、尿酸…
- 与抗代谢药5-FU化学结构相似的物质是 A、腺嘌 B、鸟嘌呤 C、胸腺嘧啶 D、尿嘧啶 E、胞嘧啶…
- 下列物质含量异常可作为痛风诊断指征的是 A、嘧啶 B、嘌呤 C、β-氨基异丁酸 D、尿酸 E、β-丙氨酸…
- 嘌呤从头合成的氨基酸有 A、鸟氨酸 B、谷氨酸 C、天冬酰胺 D、天冬氨酸 E、丙氨酸…
- 合成嘌呤、嘧啶的共同原料是 A、甘氨酸 B、天冬酰胺 C、谷氨酸 D、天冬氨酸 E、氨基甲酰磷酸…
- 在体内能分解生成β-氨基异丁酸的是 A、AMP B、GMP C、CMP D、UMP E、TMP
- 氮杂丝氨酸干扰核苷酸合成是因为它的结构类似于 A、丝氨酸 B、甘氨酸 C、天冬氨酸 D、天冬酰胺 E…
- 干扰dUMP转变生成dTMP的是 A、6巯基嘌呤 B、甲氨蝶呤 C、链霉素 D、别嘌呤醇 E、阿糖胞苷…
- In the presence of hyperammonia, production of which of the following amino ac…
- The primary manner for the deamination of amino acids in muscle involves. A、p…
- The major fate of ammonia is ( ) in the body. A、to synthesize nonessenti…
- Which of the following are the nitrogen source of urea ? A、carbomoyl phosphate and aspa…
- Which of the following amino acids can be converted into taurine in the body?…
- The compound which does not belong to one carbon unit as follow is. A、-CH3 B、=CH2 C、=…
- Which of the following is the carrier of one carbon unit ? A、biotin B、SAM …
- The most important role of S-adenosyl methionine (SAM) is. A、to provide methionine B、to …
- Which of the following state is nitrogen equilibrium? A、advanced cancer patient B、pregna…
- Which of the following amino acid can not produce one carbon unit? A、Serine B、Valin…
- The transportation form of ammonia in blood is A、Glutamate B、Tyrosine C、Gl…
- Which of the following state is positive nitrogen balance? A、advanced cancer B、pregnan…
- Which of the following is not produced by Tyr? A、norepinephrine B、epinephrine C…
- Which of the following is the main deamination style in the body? A、oxidation …
- Which of the following amino acid can produce PAPS? A、taurine B、methionine C、…
- Which of the following is the process that transport ammonia from muscle to l…
- Which one of the following amino acids is essential in the human diet? A、Serine B、Lysi…
- When compared to his state after an overnight fast, a person who fasts for 1 week will hav…
- Which of the following is the direct donor of CH3? A、N5-CH3-FH4 B、SAM C、N5,N10- CH2-F…
- Mr Smith had been prescribed a drug to treat his depression. One of the effects of the dru…
- A 48-year-old male presents to the clinic because of concerns about heart disease. He repo…
- Which one of the following statements about the absorption of lipids from the intestine is…
- The rate-limting enzyme in the β-oxidation of fatty acid is A、acyl CoA syntheta…
- In liver, large numbers of acetyl CoA derived from fat mobilization convert ma…
- Rate-limiting enzyme in the synthesis of ketone bodies is A、thiolase B、HMG-CoA s…
- The compound which can not be oxidized into CO2 and H2O in vivo is A、acetoac…
- The activated choline required for the lecithin biosynthesis is A、ADP- choline B、CDP- …
- Which is the following can transfer acetyl group from mitochondria to cytoplasm A、Acety…
- After they are produced from acetyl-CoA in the liver, ketone bodies are mainly used for wh…
- The class of drugs called statins have proved very effective against hypercholesterolemia,…
- Which one of the following statements concerning chylomicrons is CORRECT? A、Chylomicrons …
- The subcellular site of the breakdown of long chain fatty acids to acetyl-CoA via -oxidati…
- You are examining a patient who exhibits fasting hypoglycemia and need to decide between a…
- A patient presents in your office with very high levels of serum cholesterol. After a seri…
- Under condition of starvation, the major fuel for the brain is A、blood glucose B、fatty a…
- A patient presents in your office with very high levels of serum cholesterol. He states th…
- Synthesis of fatty acids occurs in the cytoplasm, and is catalyzed by fatty acid synthase.…
- All of the following are derived from cholesterol except: A、Bile salts B、Progesterone C…
- In humans, obesity is not caused by leptin levels, but by malfunctioning signal mechanisms…
- A 7-year-old girl has 1 1-month history of foul-smelling diarrhea. Upon further inquiry, t…
- A 19-year-old man complains of “brown urine” and pain in the muscles of his arms and leg…
- A newborn infant had trouble breathing at birth. The infant was 3 months premature. The ph…
- Case file study(You can answer the question either in Chinese or English) A 50-year-old His…
- Which one of the following statements concerning glycolysis is correct? A、The conversio…
- Which one of the following is a condition decreased the oxidation of acetyl CoA by the cit…
- The synthesis of glucose from pyruvate by gluconeogenesis: A、occurs exclusively in the cy…
- A two year-old boy was brought into the emergency room, suffering from severe fasting hypo…
- Epinephrine and glucagon have which one of the following effects on glycogen metabolism in…
- Most of the reducing equivalents utilized for synthesis of fatty acids can be generated fr…
- Which coenzyme in pyruvate dehydrogenase complex serves as the final hydrogens acceptor? …
- The degradation of glycogen normally produces A、more glucose than glucose l-phosphate B…
- In which compartment of the cell does glycolysis occur? A、Mitochondrion B、Nucleus C、S…
- How many net molecules of ATP are generated in the conversion of glucose to pyruvate? A、0…
- Which of the following statements about glycolysis is TRUE? A、Glucokinase catalyzes the c…
- NADH is required for the one-step reaction by which pyruvate is converted to A、oxaloace…
- Which of the following glycolytic enzymes is used in gluconeogenesis? A、Glucokinase B…
- An infant with an enlarged liver has a glucose 6-phosphatase deficiency. This infant A、…
- The pentose phosphate pathway generates each of the following products EXCEPT A、NADPH, …
- The unique pathway for mature red blood cells to obtain ATP is A、pentose phosphate pathwa…
- Which enzyme is the key enzyme in glycogenolysis (glycogen degradation) ? A、Phosphoryla…
- Which of the following metabolic pathway take place in the mitochondira? A、A.glycolytic p…
- The principl function of the TCA cycle is to A、generate CO2 B、transfer electrons from…
- The compound which can not be converted into glucose is in animals. A、lactate B、pyruvate…
- Select the one FALSE statement: A、Marfan syndrome is due to mutations in the gene encodin…
- Regarding the ABO blood group substances, select the one FALSE statement: A、They can be e…
- A male infant is failing to thrive and, on examination, is noted to have hepatomegaly and …
- All of the following sugars are found in glycoproteins EXCEPT: A、Fructose B、Fucose C、Ga…
- Select the one FALSE statement: A、Mucins contain predominantly O-linked glycans. B、O-lin…
- 以下说法错误的是: A、糖蛋白和蛋白聚糖都是由糖与蛋白质两部分由共价键连接组成。 B、组成蛋白聚…
- 鞘糖脂的分子组成包括: A、甘油 B、鞘氨醇 C、磷酸 D、糖链 E、脂肪酸…
- 体内重要的糖胺聚糖有: A、硫酸软骨素 B、硫酸角质素 C、肝素 D、硫酸皮肤素 E、透明质酸…
- 以下说法正确的是: A、糖蛋白和蛋白聚糖都是由糖与蛋白质两部分由共价键连接组成。 B、组成蛋白聚…
- 在N-连接糖蛋白中,N-糖链主要存在以下哪几种亚型? A、高甘露糖亚型 B、低甘露糖亚型 C、复杂亚型 D…
- A 47-year-old female is brought to the emergency department with complaints of malaise, na…
- A 50-year-old man has been trying to lose weight, but he enjoyed eating so much that he fo…
- Routine newborn screening identified a child with elevated levels of α-ketoacids of the b…
- deficiency in which of the following vitamins will lead to a functional folate deficiency?…
- 关于酶抑制剂的叙述正确的是: A、酶的抑制剂中是酶的变性剂 B、酶的抑制剂只与活性中心上的基团结…
- 泛酸是下列哪种生化反应中酶所需辅酶成分? A、脱羧作用 B、脱氢作用 C、还原作用 D、乙酰化作用 …
- A newborn has milky white skin, white hair, and red-appearing eye color (see the figure be…
- In a laboratory study, volunteers were made experimentally vitamin B6 deficient, and much …
- 为了防止酶失活,最好将酶制剂存放于以下什么条件 A、0℃避光 B、室温曝光 C、室温避光 D、最适温…
- 乳酸脱氢酶属于: A、转移酶类 B、水解酶类 C、氧化还原酶类 D、异构酶类 E、裂解酶类…
- 在离体线粒体实验中测得一底物的P/O比值是1.8,该底物脱下的氢最有可能在下列哪一部位进入呼吸链…
- 酶原激活的生理意义是: A、加速代谢 B、恢复酶活性 C、促进生长 D、避免自身损伤 E、保护酶的活性…
- 下列关于Km值的描述哪一项是错误的? A、是酶的特征性常数 B、近似表示酶催化底物转变为产物的能力…
- 酶原缺乏活性的主要原因是: A、肽链合成时缺少某些肽段 B、活性中心未形成 C、未结合辅酶 D、缺乏…
- 下列有关温度对酶反应速度影响的叙述中,错误的是: A、温度对酶促反应速度的影响不仅包括升高温度使…
- 关于酶的激活剂的叙述错误的是: A、激活剂可能是无机离子,中等大小有机分子和具蛋白质性质的大分子…
- A 21-year-old female presents to the physician’s office with complaints of very painful v…
- The sequence of part of a DNA strand is the following: -ATTCGATTGCCCACGT-. When this stran…
- Which of these three-letter codes is correct regarding the amino acid isoleucine? A、Ile B…
- The description of the secondary structure of DNA double helix are correct, EXCEPT A、Two …
- The correct description about Tm is A、The temperature at which half of the maxim…
- If the coden of mRNA is ACG, then the anticoden of tRNA is A、UGC B、TGC C、GCA D、CGU E、…
- The linkage between nucleotides is A、2’,-3’ phosphodiester bond; B、3’,-5’ phosphod…
- The template strand of DNA is 5’-ATTCAG-3 ’ , its transcript is A、5’ -GACTTA-3’ B、5…
- While studying the structure of a small gene that was recently sequenced durin…
- All of the following are true of the differences between DNA and RNA except: A、RNA utiliz…
- DNA secondary structure is a right-handed double helix with a sugar phosphate backbone on …
- The hyperchromic effect refers to the increase in the UV absorption of DNA. This is a resu…
- RNA also has some structure. These include all of the following except: A、Hairpin turns B…
- In order to package the 3x109 nucleotides of DNA into the nucleus, the DNA is wound around…
- Small snRNPs are involved in: A、Translation B、mRNA processing C、Transcription D、Cataly…
- The core proteins in nucleosome are A、H2A, H2B, H3, H4. B、H1A, H1B, H3, H4. C、H1A, H2…
- 关于编码链,正确的说法是: A、可以作为模板 B、与mRNA碱基序列一致 C、与mRNA的序列互补 D、编码链…
- 翻译过程的错误叙述是: A、以mRNA为模板 B、需要启动子起始 C、需要氨酰tRNA D、在核糖体上进行 E…
- 原核生物的起始密码翻译为: A、甲硫氨酸 B、甘氨酸 C、天冬酰胺 D、甲酰甲硫氨酸 E、天冬氨酸…
- 在翻译过程中,正确的说法有: A、翻译终止后,核蛋白体的大小亚基是不分开的 B、在起始阶段,P位是一直…
- 在原核生物起始密码子上游协助翻译起始的特殊结构称为: A、帽结构 B、冈崎片段 C、SD序列 D、增…
- 催化氨基酸与tRNA结合的酶是: A、氨基转移酶 B、氨基酰tRNA合成酶 C、氨基酸活化酶 D、tRNA生物…
- mRNA上决定翻译终止的信号是: A、终止子 B、终止因子 C、终止氨基酸 D、终止密码子 E、终止盒…
- 真核生物的起始密码翻译为: A、甲硫氨酸 B、甘氨酸 C、天冬酰胺 D、甲酰甲硫氨酸 E、天冬氨酸…
- 原核生物的起始密码只能编码: A、亮氨酸 B、甘氨酸 C、蛋氨酸 D、甲酰蛋氨酸 E、天冬氨酸…
- 肽链延长中,转位完成后应出现下列哪一状态? A、P位是肽酰-tRNA,A位是AA-tRNA B、P位空出,A位是AA-tRN…