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[问答题]case studySWw答案窝(daanwo.com)-大学生作业答案及考资分享平台
A 25-year-old Mediterranean female presents to her obstetrician at 12-weeks gestation for her first prenatal visit. This is her first pregnancy, and she is concerned about her baby and the risk of inheriting a “blood ” disease like others in her family. The patient reports a personal history of mild anemia but nothing as severe as her brother who required frequent transfusions and died at age 10. The patient was told by her physician that she did not need to take iron supplementation for her anemia. Patient deny having any anemic symptoms. Her physical exam is consistent with a 12-week pregnancy and ultrasound confirmed an intrauterine pregnancy at 12-weeks gestation. The patient’s hemoglobin level shows a hypochromic, microcytic( small sized red cell) anemia( hemoglobin, 9g/dL) and hemoglobin electrophoresis demonstrated increased hemoglobin A2 level( 4.0 percent) and increased fetal hemoglobin level, a pattern consistent with β thalassemia minor. The patient underwent chorionic villus sampling to assess whether the fetus was affected, and the diagnosis returned in several hours.SWw答案窝(daanwo.com)-大学生作业答案及考资分享平台
What is the molecular genetics behind this disorder?SWw答案窝(daanwo.com)-大学生作业答案及考资分享平台
What was the likely test and what is the biochemical basis?

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