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Mission managers at NASA spent 330 million dollars to send a refrigerator-size craft 7 million miles away into space and punch an asteroid (小行星) in the nose. The spacecraft is known as DART, which stands for Double Asteroid Redirection Test. It was launched in November, 2021. Its job was to fly out to the asteroid Dimorphos and crash into it. The purpose of the collision (碰撞) was to see if DART’s impact could speed up the asteroid’s orbit around another space rock, Didymos. Neither Dimorphos nor Didymos poses (造成) any danger to Earth. But in the future, other asteroids might. The DART impact tested a technology that could one day be needed to protect our planet. The collision took place on September 26, 2022. Dimorphos ……此处隐藏38030个字…… is the issue of privacy and security. WeChat collects amounts of personal data, which has raised concerns about breaches of privacy and potential misuse of personal information. What’s more, many users find themselves spending excessive amounts of time on WeChat. In conclusion, WeChat has brought numerous benefits, including the convenient access to a wide range of services. However, it also comes with potential risks such as privacy concerns and addictive behavior. It is important for users to be aware of these drawbacks and use WeChat in a responsible and balanced manner.
【试题解析】 这是一篇命题作文,要求考生按照汉语提示进行写作。文章讨论的话题是“微信的利与弊”。根据提示,可将文章分为三段: 第一段阐述微信在人们生活中的作用及其重要性; 第二段说明微信对人们的生活产生的负面影响; 第三段表明自己的观点,进行总结,呼吁谨慎使用微信。

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