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类型:全真试卷  解析:有解析  年份:2023  收藏  纠错

第一部分  选择题



1、 The stress of the following words are all on the second syllable except ______.

    A. congratulate                   B. degree

    C. instruction                     D. survey


2、 —What fine weather! Let's go out for a walk, shall we?


    A. Me, too.          & ……此处隐藏49891个字…… nt kinds of movies and dramas and asks students to recognize them.

    (2)The teacher asks students to brainstorm more words about any other movies, dramas and so on.

    【设计意图】运用图片和头脑风暴的形式,让学生对本课主题有个初步的感知,同时复习主题相关的词汇,为后续的阅读学习做铺垫。     66、The teacher divides students into several groups and asks them to discuss what kinds of movies they like to watch in different situations according to the chart and write down their answers. After ten minutes, the teacher invites some students to share. Meanwhile, some evaluations and encouragements will be given by other students and the teacher.



Tags:江西省中小学教师公开招聘考试 中学英语
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