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类型:全真试卷  解析:有解析  年份:2023

  Part Ⅰ.Reading Comprehension

  Directions:There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or incomplete statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and then mark the corresponding letter on theANSWER SHEET.

  Passage One

  At a medical laboratory clinic in Waterloo, Ontario, an elderly woman sat on the edge of a waiting room chair loudly singing out Celine Dion's tuneMy Heart Will Go On. I was there with my father, who was having a routine blood test when the woman arrived. She settled herself into the seat directly across from my dad. The position made it seem as though she was sitting here to engage in conversa ……此处隐藏40550个字…… form of exercise.

  However, other people think public sports facilities will have little effect on public health and that other measures are needed. They believe that there are activities that are more effective and more important, health programs for example. For them, having an activity that everyone can participate in is more effective than building more sports facilities. Perhaps activities like conducting daily exercise or assisting the local health department in locating ill people within the community would be a greater help.

  As far as I'm concerned, both views are of great help in improving public health. We, the residents, should also cooperate and help to improve public health to the best of our ability.

Tags:河南省专升本 专业英语
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