随着国际交流不断深入,英语是使用最广泛的语言。英语科技论文阅读和写作成为国际学术交流必备应用能力。但其最大难点在语言表达,英语教学界对此已有共识:第二语言习得必须有大量目的语输入并习得语言规律。本课程总结科技英语核心内容,点明特殊语言现象,剖析中国学生学习科技英语时的重点和难点。 本课程2020年获批国家级首批线上一流课程。
- Rapid travel has a ____ greater influence on the human body than we imagine. Anear Bfar Cm…
- The standard meter is accurate to about ____. Athree parts in a billion Bthree part in a b…
- As current passes, the emf(电动势)of a bettery falls ____ rapidity. Aon Bof Cwith Dby
- A comparison of Eq. 4 with Eq. 7 ____ the following relations. Alead to Bleads to Cleading…
- All forces fall into one or the other of these two classes, ____ will be found useful late…
- This company is planning to develop and produce ____ cars and components in the country. A…
- Lengths are measured in _____. Ameter Bmeters Cthe meter Dthe meters
- This facilitates(便于) ____ the ohmmeter to the unknown resistor. Ato connect Bconnected C…
- The shorter the distance between points A and B, the ___ the error(误差) in this approxima…
- It takes sunlight about 8 minutes ____ the earth. Areach Bto reach Creaching Dto reaching
- The fact that the output of a capsule is a vector it possible to use a powerful dynamic ro…
- The devices exist capable of input that not connected directly to the computer.() Ais Bare…
- A body is in stress when forces are applied to it which its size and shape to change.() Ac…
- To make it easier for us to take derivatives, we shall square both sides of the expression…
- The existing link security technology ______ to a wireless network to reduce security atta…
- _______ further increasing quantum-well(量子阱) number, the increase of the emission energ…
- A simple approach _______ expressing a function(函数) is shown _______ Fig. Aof……by Bof…
- The two balls move _______ the opposite directions _______ the same stress(应力). Ain……o…
- 温度每上升一度,电容降低百万分之七百五。 The capacitance will decrease by ___________ per e…
- 这台电压表/伏特计如此灵敏,可以测量出电压的微小变化。 This is such ____ sensitive voltmeter…
- This has exactly the same form as that describing the diode circuit of Sect. 1.3, with the…
- It is the net force ____________ the body that causes acceleration. Aacted on Bacting in C…
- ___________through a circuit, the current will lose part of its energy. AFlowing BTo flow …
- These angles are not necessarily restricted to_________. Abe acute Bacute Cb…
- We must find a room .() Awhich puts the instrument Bwhich to put the instrument Cto put th…
- , the direction in which the body is moving is also important.() AIt was discussed BIt has…
- A beam of white light is separated into beams of various colors, we conclude that white li…
- To dispel this notion is perform a simple experiment.() Aall need do Ball we need do Call …
- __________ we are calculating is the instantaneous acceleration of the particle. AWhat BTh…
- Analysis of its spectrum can tell not only __________ atoms or molecules a substance is co…
- The operation interfaces will be simple and easy to understand; hence ________ consumabili…
- The order came that the medical supplies ________to Beijing for the H1N1 flu soon. Awould …