- Among many theories, three principal ones that influence most instructional design models …
- When designing instructions, whatever models we use, _______ should be the focal point. ( …
- Instructional objectives need to be specific, observable and _______. ( ) Aadjustable Ba…
- In designing language teaching procedures, we can use ESA model. ESA is the acronym of ___…
- Phonological awareness refers to an individual’s awareness of the _______ structure, or p…
- _______ is a major characteristic of spoken English, and makes English a stress-timed lang…
- automatically in speaking or writing. ( ) APassive vocabulary BActive vocabulary CHigh-f…
- To know a word means to know its _______. ( ) Aform Bmeaning Cuse Dall of the above
- Students should be able to_______the vocabulary terms they have learned and use them in so…
- _______ technique lends itself particularly well to action verbs and it can be fun …
- Grammar is best perceived as a tool or means to be used in the _______ and creation of ora…
- The three dimension of grammar are form, meaning and _______. ( ) Astructure Bconnotat…
- Two frequently used grammar teaching methods are _______ and deductive methods.( ) Adire…
- Production activities in grammar teaching are designed to promote _______. ( ) Aaccura…
- As for selecting listening materials, _________ means that both the lesson content and …
- Planning and monitoring can be categorized into _________ . ( ) Acognitive strategy Bmet…
- Such elements as _________, accuracy and complexity are included in speaking teaching. ( …
- In pronunciation teaching, more importance should be attached to stress,( ) , and intona…
- Reading is activity of making ( ) from written words. ( ) Acomprehension Bdecisions Cm…
- To think critically about what one reads and to decide what information is relevant …
- When reading articles are unfamiliar to students, it is necessary for the teacher to begin…
- When selecting reading texts, teachers should keep the balance between authenticity and( …
- While-reading activities, such as paraphrase, question-answering, discussion, and ( ), etc…
- ( ) highlights the importance of teacher-led scaffolding of collaborative writing to sup…
- ( ) isn’t included in Murray ‘s three general stages in writing. ( ) ARehearsing Bdr…
- Learning is the starting point and final destination of teaching. ( )
- In PPP model of instructional procedures, production is the stage where learners are no …
- The assessment teachers most frequently conduct in the process of teaching is summativ…
- All second/foreign language learners must take acquiring native-like accent as the goal …
- Changes in tone or intonation may lead to a change in meaning or implication of what is be…
- Efforts to communicate meaningfully are even more important than perfect pronunciation. …
- Incidental vocabulary learning occurs only when we read and write. (
- Learning of new words can be strengthened through their frequent appearance in practice ex…
- Such factors as learner's age, language proficiency and educational background may influen…
- In grammar teaching, language teachers can be content with having students achieve a cer…
- In grammar teaching, teachers should focus on the development of declarative rather than…
- Communicative grammar practice encourages students to connect form, meaning, and use becau…
- Learners' vocabulary size, grammar, and world knowledge etc. can influence their listening…
- In top-down processing of listening, comprehension is viewed as a process of decoding.
- Interaction with others, such as appealing for help and asking for confirmation is cogni…
- In listening comprehension, bottom-up processing goes from meaning to language. ( )
- Accuracy in speaking is the quality of being able to speak a language, especially a fore…
- Stress and intonation are not as important as fluency and accuracy in speaking teaching.…
- In the stage of while-speaking activities, main roles of a teacher are monitor and facil…
- What should be taught in reading classes depends on the curriculum standard. ( )
- Teachers can select authentic texts such as a newspaper article, a novel, or a radio inter…
- The only objective of the pre-reading phase is to activate learners' relevant prior knowle…
- Teaching writing just means setting a writing task, leaving the students to do it (perhaps…
- Fluency development can occur through repetitive activities and through working with eas…
- Reduction exercise in writing teaching refers to exercise in which students are given a ju…