这, 不是21天速成Java课程; 不是Java语法细节讲解课程; 是一门讲编程基础思想的课程; 是一门讲面向对象思想的课程; 是一门讲编程最佳实践的课程; 需要动手写代码的课程; 第一周增加了一些基础Java训练,测试大家Java基本水平; 之后每周一道; 会带着大家一起做,一起讲解; 希望大家学完之后能够有恍然大悟的感觉。
1 - 编程之前 Before coding
- Scientific thinking is the transformation of an unsolved problem into a solved problem wit…
- Please select the correct order of evolution of thinking in software engineering: a. Mathe…
- The von Neumann architecture is the memory, control unit, arithmetic unit and ( ) AInput/O…
- Instructions such as 'MOV?A,06H' belong to which language? AMachine language BAssembly Lan…
- Different software frameworks or hardware frameworks solve problems in the same way
- The analysis model that helps us summarize the system scenario and describe what the syste…
- The product of the requirements analysis phase is the software requirements specification …
- Code and executables are the product of which step? ARequirements Analysis BDesign CCons…
- Decomposition and abstraction are ways to reduce code complexity
- Please select all the methods that can reduce the complexity of the system a. Abstraction …
- A java file can have more than one public class name and the name can be different from th…
- Please select the entry method for JAVA. Apublic void main() Bpublic static void main() …
- Please select the most appropriate one from the following options as the name of the varia…
- What is the first thing we need to accomplish before we can proceed with software engineer…
- Please select the correct order of the steps in the Software development life-cycle model …
2 - 结构化编程范式 Structured Programming Paradigm
- Structured programming is broken down by what AAlgorithm BData Structure CPersonal Inter…
- A system in a data flow diagram is a collection of processes
- Data changes in a data flow diagram include ( ) AConverted BStored CBeing distributed D…
- Structured diagrams can only express the dependencies between modules
- Which of the following modules are not part of a structured graph? AOutput modules BBranc…
- do{...}until{...} statements belong to ( ) Jump Branching Loop Order
- The goto instruction breaks the readability of the code 作答区
- The benefits of avoiding code duplication are ( ) ASaving time BImproving code readabili…
- Testing includes ( ) ARed Box Testing BBlack Box Testing CWhite box testing DPandora's …
- Black-box testing requires knowledge of the code structure
3 - 面向对象编程范式 Object-Oriented Programming Paradigm
- Which of the following statements is incorrect? ( ). AA good design is well equipped to ha…
- When implementation changes, requirement additions, or requirement changes occur, extensiv…
- Which of the following statements is incorrect? ( ). ACompile-time static linking by exten…
- Which of the following statements is incorrect? ( ). ABoth classes and objects are embodim…
- The process of obtaining an object includes finding a candidate object and refining the ob…
- A class is a collection of identical things that describes the non-essential characteristi…
- The process of creating and accessing an object of a class in Java includes ( ). AAll othe…
- "Don't reinvent the wheel" best reflects the idea of software ( ). AReusability BRel…
- Which of the following layers are included in the layered style ( ). APresentation layer …
- When testing methods that are only related to the same class (semi-independent), it is nec…
4 - 类的封装 Encapsulation of the Class
- The rules that a well-implemented wrapper should satisfy do not include ( ) AMeet high cou…
- 1. public class Position{ 2. double latitude; 3. double longitude; 4. 5. public static dou…
- 1. class Point{ 2. double x; 3. double y; 4. 5. public double calDistance(Point a){ 6. ...…
- Data responsibilities characterize the essential characteristics of the object, and behavi…
- Which of the description of the concept class diagram is incorrect? AConcept class has no …
- Which of the description about class diagrams is incorrect? AThe "-" in the class diagram …
- Which of the following statement about defensive programming is incorrect? AAssertions are…
- 1. public int findMax(int [] array){ 2. if(array==null||array.length==0)----------------(1…
- Which of the following statement is incorrect? AAfter creating the class object, jvm will …
- 1. public class Duck { 2. static int duckCount; 3. int count; 4. 5. …
5 - 类的协作 Collaboration of Classes
- Objects in life can play multiple responsibilities, so in the object-oriented world, an id…
- How can you tell when a class has more than one responsibility? AWhen it provides a large …
- Which one of the following are collaborative objects? AThe object itself BAny object pass…
- When a client calls a server interface, it should not only know the function of the interf…
- The relationships between classes, in descending order of weakness, are ACommon Associatio…
- An object A does not hold a reference to an object B, but B is used in a method of A. Then…
- Which one of the following statements is true about aggregation? AIt is a strong version o…
- Which one of the following English phrases is used to express combinatorial relationships?…
- In a cashier system, using a delegated design style, who should calculate the price of eac…
- In a sequence diagram, synchronous messages are solid triangular arrows, and return and as…