1 人民币汇率改革问题
- The dual exchange rates in China from 1986 to 1993 refer to the co-existence of ( ). Aoff…
- Which of the following statements are not true? ( ) AChina Foreign Exchange Trading Cente…
- The difference between relative and absolute purchasing power parity (P) is that ( ). Are…
- Which basket of goods would be most likely to exhibit absolute purchasing power parity?() …
- According to covered interest rate parity, if the difference between the domestic and fore…
- Possible benefits of currency internationalization don’t include ( ). Areducing exchange…
- Yuan denominated bonds sold by non-PRC issuers in the PRC are called ( ). Apanda bonds B…
- RMB bonds issued in Hong are called ( ). Apanda bonds Bdim-sum bonds Cforeign bonds …
- According to trillemma, policymakers in open economies can’t jointly achieve the three ob…
- Currency derivatives in the interbank FX markets in China include ( ). ARMB/FX Forward B…
- The participants in inter-bank foreign exchange market in China include (). Aforeign cent…
- The international use of RMB includes ( ). Atrade settlements BOFDI CFDI Dinternationa…
- Interest rate parity is a theory on short-term exchange rate determination. ()
- PPP theory is a theory on short-term exchange rate determination. ()
- RMB was adopted by SDR in 2016. ()
- From 1949 to 1972, RMB exchange rate was officially determined.
- With the collapse of Bretton Woods system, RMB exchange rate regime was changed from a sin…
- Qualified foreign institutional investors (QFII) were permitted to invest in domestic capi…
- ( ) is to be settled or delivered within two business days of the contract. Aspot…
- The program of RQFII was lauched from 2011.
2 中国金融体系概述
- Objectives of CSRC doesn’t include ( ). Aprotecting investors Bensuring that markets ar…
- In China policy banks include (). AChina Development Bank Bthe Export-Import Bank of Chi…
- Functions of PBOC include ( ). Aissuing currency and regulate its circulation Bformulati…
- Shadow banking in China includes ( ). Amicro loan companies Bfinancing guarantee compani…
- The disadvantages of state ownership of financial system include ( ). Aprohibiting compet…
- Functions of China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) include ( ). ARegulating secur…
- Qualified domestic institutional investor (QDII) program was introduced in 2002. ()
- B shares are denominated in RMB and traded in foreign currencies. ()
- PBOC took on a dual role in financial regulation before 1978. ()
- CSRC is in charge of authorizing the establishment, changes, termination and business scop…
- According to financial repression theory, Financial development and economic growth can fo…
- In 2001 China accessed to WTO.
- CIRC was set up in 1998 to assume regulatory responsibility for the insurance industry in …
- Construction Bank of China is in charge of construction and infrastructure financing.
- Central Banking Laws and Commercial Banking Laws were both enacted in 1995.
- Combating money laundring activities is the function of ( ). ACIRC BCSRC CCBRC DPBOC
- There are ( ) policy banks in China. A1 B2 C3 D4
- CBRC was established in 2003. ( )
- In China securities and future exchanges were supervised by ( ). ACBRC BCSRC CCIRC DP…
- In China there are ( ) future exchanges. A1 B2 C3 D4
3 国际结算
- Combined certificate is a stamped () as evidence of insureance. AB/L Binvoice CP/L Dsa…
- Which of the following is clean collection? () Acollection of financial documents accompa…
- The function of commercial documents in trade settlements includes (). Aevidence for the …
- A credit card is generally involved ( ). Aissuing bank Bcardholder Cmerchant Dpayer
- A traveler’s check is generally involved () Athe issuer Bpaying agent Cholder Dtransf…
- Which is a special invoice? () Aconsular invoice Bsample invoice Cpro forma invoice Dv…
- B/L is () Arequisite in form Bwritten document Ctransferable document Ddocument with v…
- Which of the following is true about L/C/? () AThe issuing bank takes the first responsib…
- The date of issuance is optional for a bill of exchange to be valid. ()
- Checks are negotiable instruments. ()
- Clean bill refers to a bill without shipping documents attached thereto. ()
- A commercial invoice must appear to have been issued by the beneficiary and made out in th…
- Insurance document can be issued by an insurance broker. ()
- Remittance is based on bank credit. ()
- Revolving L/C can be renewed or reinstated. ()
- A bill of lading that states “consigned to J. Smith” is a ( ). Ashort form bill o…
- Which can provide financing to the exporter? ( ). Ausance L/C payable at sight Bant…
- If a credit calls for an insurance certificate, banks will not accept an insurance policy.
- In L/C,the draft can not be drawn on ( ). Aissuing bank Bpaying bank Caccepting bank …
- In collection, D/P is more favorable to the exporter than D/A.
4 金融公文写作
- In writing financial letters, the principle of ( ) means you have to use specific expressi…
- In writing financial letters, letter head should indicate the name and address of () . At…
- In writing financial letters, body of letter usually contains ( ) paragraphs. A1 B2 C3 …
- The printing styles of a bank letter have ( ) types. A1 B2 C3 D4
- In writing financial letters, ( ) indicates name of the writer both in handwriting and in …
- In writing financial letters, the principle of completeness means when writing a letter, y…
- In writing financial letters, the principle of courtesy means politeness and good manner i…
- In writing financial letters, inside address shows the name and address of the sender. ()
- In writing financial letters, subject or caption indicates the central idea of the letter …
- True or False: In writing financial letters, The most popular printing type is full-block …
- ( ) means you have to write in the fewest possible words by avoiding wordiness and very…
- To keep clarity in writing financial letters, you must try your best to avoid ambiguity an…
- In writing financial letters, you must treat your reader with respect and friendly human c…
- The figures and information stated in your letter must be correct and accurate. This is th…
- ( ) shows the name and address of receiver of the letter. Asalutation Bsbuject Clette…
- Which sentences are frequently used for opening paragraph? ( ) AAcknowledging recei…
- Semi-block style is a tradition style printed with an indent of 4-6 spaces at the beginnin…
- Body of letter is the most important part the whole letter.
- The most popular printing type is indented style.
- The opening paragraph generally explains the initiative of the letter.