第一章 Electrical Engineering:A Brief Introduction
- Electricity is one kind of inventions by human being,and widely used for providing power f…
- Power engineering, also called power systems engineering, is a sub-field of electrical eng…
- The advent of transistor in 1956 was the great invention and the fore-running of the micro…
- Electrical engineers are increasingly relying on computer-aided design (CAD) systems to cr…
- more and more electrical and electrics engineers will be greatly needed in the future beca…
- Electrical engineering is one of the newer branches of engineering and dates back to the l…
- Electricity is a set of physical phenomena associated with the presence of ____.
- Law of Induction proposed by English physicist Michael Faraday in 1831 sates the ____in a …
- Electrical engineering has many sub-disciplines and the most common of them are ____, ____…
- Control engineering, or control systems engineering, is an engineering discipline that app…
- The ____ was the foundation of all electronics, including radios, television and radar, …
- Mechatronics engineering deals with the combination of mechanical engineering, computing a…
- Biomedical engineering (BME) is the application of ____ and design concepts to medicine an…
- William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain won the 1956 Nobel Prize in physics for…
- IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to technolog…
第二章 Electric Machinery and Electrical Equipment
- Depending on the magnetic level there are two types of transformers, step up transformer a…
- Electricity is the energy made available by the flow of electric charge through a conducto…
- A generator is a device used to convert electrical energy to mechanical energy. ______
- Transformers step down the voltage to 120 V for local distribution, such as homes, offices…
- Dc machine can operate as either a motor or a generator in terms of the direction of the p…
- Ac machines mainly consist of two classes: synchronous machines and induction machines. __…
- An induction motor needs dc field current to run the machine. ________
- Depending on the operating phase, a transformer can be either a single phase transformer o…
- Most dc machines have ac voltages and currents within them. _____
- A generator works on the principle of Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction.________…
- When low-voltage AC ____is closed or breaking electric loops, electric arc will be generat…
- In 1832, the year of Michael Faraday’s discovery that a changing____ field produces an el…
- The project is designed to ____ around 30 megawatts of power for the national grid.
- A ____ is a piece of electrical equipment which changes a voltage to a higher or lower vol…
- In engineering, ____combines electrical and mechanical processes and procedures drawn from…
- Most of the electricity consumed today is produced by three phase____ generator.
- Magnetic fields are the fundamental mechanism by which energy is____ from one form to anot…
- Electric motors are ____, being found in applications as diverse as industrial fans, blowe…
- Typical applications for this motor are vacuum cleaners, drills, similar portable tools, a…
- When we model the real transformer we will find that there are circuit elements between th…
第三章 A Glimpse of Electric Power Systems
- An electric power system is a network of electrical components deployed to ____electric po…
- The grid can be divided into the following parts: ____.
- We can find specialized power systems that do not use three-phase AC power in____.
- An alternating current is influenced by inductance, capacitance, voltage and____.
- Renewable resources include____.
- Single-phase electricity operates only at 50Hz. ( )
- Centralized AC systems now use three-phase electricity. ( )
- Three-phase electricity operates more efficiently than single-phase power. ( )
- Conductors belong to the distribution system. ( )
- Most power stations contain one or more generators. ( )
第四章 Automatic Control
- Generally, there are two types of control loop. They are __________control and closed loop…
- In closed loop control, the control action from the controller is _____________of the "pro…
- The advanced type of automation that revolutionized manufacturing, aircraft, communication…
- In the mid-19th century mathematics was first used to analyze the stability of feedback co…
- Since ______________is the formal language of automatic control theory, we could call the …
- Automatic control in engineering and technology is a wide generic term covering the applic…
- The open loop control is an application of negative feedback to a system. ( )
- In closed loop control, the control action from the controller is independent of the "proc…
- A Feedback Control System is a system which tends to maintain a prescribed relationship of…
- The theoretical basis of closed loop automation is not control theory. ( )
- The history of automatic control traces back to Ancient Greece. ( )
- The First World War saw major advancements in the field of mass communication and signal p…
- Thomas Socrates invented the steam engine in 1713, and this date marks the accepted beginn…
- A thermostat is a simple negative feedback controller. ( )
- In control complexity it can range from simple on-off control to multi-variable high level…
- With the ____ of cloud computing we quickly realized that this metered resource usage had …
- The development of microcomputers and automatic technologies has greatly promoted the inte…
- When we ____ the power supply system of the town, we reckoned on one transformer per four …
- The transformer is designed to ____ the applied voltage of 120 V (rms) to 24 V (rms) at 60…
- When we model the real transformer we will find that there are circuit elements between th…
- It provides servers and run-timers to help you quickly create and ____ a Web service.
- Energy available in many forms is often ____ to electrical form because electric energy ca…
- Electric power generation, transmission, ____ and utilization are the features of any prac…
- This paper analyzes the ____ change regularity to measure the concentricity of turbo gener…
- If the ____ nominal values are not reached, the cooling system must be checked for leaks a…
- ____ refers to a class of crystalline solids with electrical conductivity between that of …
- The ____ reduced the size of the computer, thus creating a new generation of portable mini…
- There is a capacitance between any two conductors which are separated by a(n) ____ (air or…
- To avoid ____ shock or faulty connections, do not work with the electrical parts unless yo…
- The objective is to obtain from a substance by chemical or mechanical action, as by pressu…
第五章 Power Electronics Technology
- Power electronics technology is the technology associated with efficient conversion, con…
- In terms of world history, power electronics is a ____ science.
- A key to power electronics technology was the invention of the ____ amplifier by H. S. B…
- The first electronics revolution began in 1948 with the invention of the ____ by America…
- Before the 1960s, semiconductor engineering was regarded as part of ____ and low-voltage…
- In hybrid electric vehicles, power electronics are used in two formats: ____ hybrid and …
- An electric car is an automobile that is propelled by one or more electric motors, using…
- When the foot is lifted from the accelerator of an internal combustion engine, engine __…
- Variants such as lithium iron phosphate and lithium-titanate attempt to solve the ____ …
- As of December 2013, Estonia is the first and only country that had deployed an electric…
- The life of the vacuum tube could still go on even if its filament burns out.
- Development of a commercial thyristor ran the second electronics revolution.
- The difference between a series hybrid and a parallel hybrid is the relationship of the …
- Devices used in electric vehicles consist only of DC/DC converters for battery charging …
- Cars with an internal combustion engine are around 3 times as efficient as electric moto…
- The energy crises of the 1970s and 1980s brought a long-term interest in electric cars.
- Electric cars make significantly bigger noise than conventional internal combustion eng…
- Lithium-based batteries have a limited shelf and cycle lifetime.
- Most cars with internal combustion engines can be considered to have indefinite range, a…
- Most vehicles cannot support much faster charging, even if a suitable power supply is a…
第六章 High Voltage & Insulation Methods
- What are the principles and criteria for selecting proper insulators? ( ) Agood thermal ch…
- What are the disadvantages of air as an insulator? () ASurface need remain clean and free …
- What are the advantages of epoxy? () Agood thermal characteristics Blow cost…
- What are the shortcomings of perfluorinated liquids? () Acolorless Bunrepairable Chigh exp…
- What are the disadvantages of silicone (two-part) encapsulation? () Apoor adhesion Bbad th…
- Precautions are not needed if there are no more than 230 kilo volts. ( )
- The insulating material should not be homogeneous. ( )
- Epoxy are unrepairable. ( )
- Low expense is a disadvantage of air. ( )
- Evaporation refers to a mechanical action to make objectives to change from liquid to gas.…
- SF6 is a colorless and odorless gas and extremely safe if someone breathes in. ( )
- Oil can become contaminated easily by arcing and with the forming of foreign materials. ( …
- When there are injuries, the electricity will penetrate the skin more slowly. ( )
- Poor adhesion is perhaps the biggest shortcoming and can be alleviated by preparing the su…
- Currents that might generally be thought of as rather weak can be considered dangerous if …
- One difficulty with using SF6 is that the housing must be hermetically s(____).
- Undesired or unintended electric a(____) can have detrimental effects on electric power tr…
- Poor a(____) is perhaps the biggest shortcoming of silicones.
- The d(____) must be a good electric insulator so as to minimize any DC leakage current thr…
- In recent years, the 3 D models of the drive axle h(____) can easily be established with t…
- A(n) e(ncapsulant) is designed to electrically i____and environmentally protect products s…
- We have taken every p____to protect us from COVID-19.
- Heat does not scatter as readily as light, so the thermal energy can p____through the enam…
- It is widely known that under the same max share rate, the area of t(____) loop decreases …
- If applied to human skin, 50 volts can cause the heart to f____.
第七章 Signal Processing Technology
- With the changeover from ____ to digital TV signals less than a month away, many of us are…
- Any interference at frequencies outside the signal band can be eliminated by appropriate _…
- The performance of an induction motor can be characterized by such factors as efficiency, …
- The ____ (input processor) converts the electric signal into a form that is suitable for t…
- If you actually combine the best ideas of both, you end up with an extensible, ( …
- You can cause significant hardware damage to your computer if signals of excessive ____ ar…
- The effect of signal ____ is to reduce the amplitude of the desired signal s(t) and, thus,…
- Devices that convert control signals from one form to another are known as ____, most of w…
- Certain materials, called ____, allow electrons to flow through them.
- A(n) ____ system is one in which two or more signals are transmitted jointly over the sa…
- The ____ from these parallel generators will add up to make a total flow of 500 amperes…
- The heart of any communication system consists of three basic elements: transmitter, tra…
- Bluetooth is a ____ technology standard for exchanging data over short distances from fi…
- In the physical world, any quantity exhibiting variation in time or variation in space (su…
- Signal processing, a branch of electronic engineering, is a enabling technology that model…
- Signal processing technology includes two main subfields: analog signal processing and dig…
- Traditional telephone uses digital signals.()
- “Analog”indicates something that is mathematically represented as a set of different val…
- Digital signal processing ()is the use of digital processing, such as by computers, to per…
- Every telephone, smart or not, relies heavily on audio processing techniques to make commu…
- Speech recognition is a vital application of signal processing and is likely the easiest t…
- Without signal processing, modern digital assistants, such as Siri, Google Now, and Cortan…
- The signal conditioning circuitry has the functions of signal amplification. ()
第八章 New Trends in Electrical Engineering
- The worldwide electrical and electronics industry is the most flourishing and extremely di…
- The only emphasis of all electricaltechnology trends is to derive unmatched efficiency. ( …
- According to the research, probably in the future, a sort of new solar concentrator would …
- In coming years, the smart optical microchip, which is set to utilize a complete and unort…
- The wireless energy transmitter would be able to recharge all kinds of electronic devices …
- Different from the conventional trains, the maglev trains are completely secure, without a…
- Because of the discovery of the dielectric susceptibility, the engineers will be able to m…
- Entanglement, a unique feature of quantum physics, is well set to be used in future ____. …
- According to Text A, the microbatteries could be only half the size of a human ____. Inte…
- The smart optical microchip may “automatically process signals flowing through fiber-opti…
- New analog circuits are said to be more user-friendly and power efficient as they are well…
- The wireless energy transmitter works from a few meters away by surrounding the devices ma…
- A few countries are using powerful electromagnets to develop high-speed trains, called mag…
- The basic principle behind electromagnetic propulsion is that____attract and____repel each…
- Which of the following is not true? ( ) AIII-V compound semiconductors, specified as compo…
- Which of the following will be a new form of transportation that could revolutionize trans…
- Why can maglev trains reach unprecedented ground transportation speeds? ( ) ABecause of th…
- Which of the following statements is not true?( ) AGermany and Japan are both developing m…
- What is the key difference between German and Japanese maglev trains? ( ) AThe G…
- According to Text B, which of the following is not true? ( ) AThere are two Inductrack des…
- If details are arranged to show the similarities and differences between and among two or …
- According to Text A, what are the advantages of new analog circuits as they are well equip…
- What are the components to a maglev train rail system? ( ) AA large electrical power sourc…
- According to the Text B, what are the main differences between a maglev train and a conven…
- When delivering a presentation, what tips should be kept in your mind? ( ) AStart confiden…