Part Two Linguistics
1、 What are the criteria used in phonetic description of vowels?
2、 What are the major external factors that affect the process of L2 learning?
3、 Do you think there are true synonyms in English? Why?
Part Two Linguistics
1、 As the vowels can not be described in the same way as the consonants, a system of cardinal vow ……此处隐藏1429个字…… bsp; (3)in emotive(or affective) meaning (smart, crafty);
(4)in range of use or collocative meaning (accuse, charge);
(5)in British and American English usages (autumn, fall).
For example, they may differ in style. In the context "Little Tom ______ a toy bear", here buy is more appropriate than purchase. Because purchase is more formal than buy.
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