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类型:全真试卷  解析:有解析  年份:2010以前  ★收藏  ✚纠错


  第1题、Parents are required by law to see that their children receive full-time education, at school or elsewhere, between the ages of 5 and 16 in England, Scotland and Wales and 4 and 16 in Northern Ireland. About 93 percent of pupils receive free education from public funds, while the others attend independent schools financed by fees paid by parents. Many, aged 3-4 years, children attend nursery schools and classes (or, in England, reception classes in primary schools). Pre-school education may also be provided in some private day nurseries and pre-school playgroups (which are largely organized by parents). The Government has stated its commitment to a major expansion of pre-school education and wants all children to begi ……此处隐藏15695个字…… omen's college in Beijing in 1919,an event occurred which changed the whole course of her life. [分析] 理解表达采分点。 本句要采用补译法,因为“改变了她生命的事件”指的是“当时发生的”,所以在译文中按英语习惯加入了occurred,句子结构也因此有所变化。 5.五四运动the May 4th Movement [分析] 基本素质采分点。 五四运动是个专有名词。 6.她在1923年到美国去学文学,在旅途中和在美国居留中写下了她的感受。 Going to the U.S.in 1923 to study literature,she wrote down her impressions on the way and during her stay there. [分析] 理解表达采分点。 原文是两个单句。译成英语时,要根据英语的语法结构和语言习惯进行调整;本句采用并句法将之译为一个句子;前面一句用分词短语作状语,后面一句作主句。 7.这本书使她声誉突起。这不仅是因为她是一位女作家,而是因为书中的高尚的情操。The book brought her instant fame,not only because she was a woman writer, but also because of the noble sentiments in the book. [分析] 理解表达采分点。 本句可用并句法翻译。因后面的两个单句表原因,可作状语从句,并将之与前面一个句子合并成一个复合句,使得句子结构更为严谨,更符合英语习惯。

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