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类型:全真试卷  解析:有解析  年份:2016  ★收藏  ✚纠错


1.The couple first met in Australia, but fell in love in New Zealand.




【听力原文】My husband Rory and I are both originally from Sydney, Australia, and met in Auckland, New Zealand, where we fell in love. Then, Rory was offered an opportunity to run an advertising agency in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. As a designer, I have always been drawn to Southeast Asia, so we decided to have an adventure. The country was in the process of picking up the pieces after the war. I started a small business in landscape design, and was offered contracts from art galleries, cafes, restaurants, and private gardens. In 2006, we set up a land-holding company that would allow us to buy, sell, and develop la ……此处隐藏34902个字…… , reward yourself. After achieving small fitness targets, you can treat yourself. This treat can be anything you like, such as skipping exercise for holidays and work deadlines. When you accept that fitness is not an all-or-nothing proposition, you're more likely to stick with it for life.

【试题解析】 健身已经成为一种时尚,本篇短文就如何将健身持之以恒地坚持下去给出了一些建议。第一,根据自己的喜好和时间安排选择适当的健身项目。第二,不要急于求成,开始时从易到难,重在坚持,并且锻炼时间最好不要超过半小时。第三,遵守自己的生物钟。找出自己身体最具活力的时段,据此安排健身时间。第四,购买运动服装。这些健身运动服会提醒你要努力坚持健身,保持健康。另外,这些运动服装专门为健身设计,可以增加身体的舒适感。第五,找一些健身伙伴。健身伙伴之间可以相互激励,相互提供建议,相互竞争,建立友谊,共同进步。第六,使用图表跟踪自己的进展。健身表格会帮助你树立明确的目标,并且看到自己取得的进步。第七,给自己的健身计划换些花样。如果健身计划一成不变,很快就会使人失去兴趣,每个星期应安排一些不同的健身项目。第八,浏览其他人的健身博客或网站,他们持之以恒的经历和故事会给你莫大的鼓励和坚持下去的动力。第九,适时奖励自己,比如偶尔偷个懒。这会提醒你健身并不是要自己不成功则成仁,不必过度苛求自己。

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