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类型:全真试卷  解析:有解析  年份:2019


1.I went to Bangladesh to report on women who were fighting for equal opportunities.




【听力原文】I was visiting a remote region in Bangladesh to report on a story about local Mandi women fighting deforestation. Bangladesh has a population of 160 million, mostly Muslims. The Mandi, a tribe of 25,000 Catholics, live a six-hour drive from the capital Dhaka. My travelling companion was a famous Bengali environmentalist called Philip Gain. He has been studying the area for more than 20 years. As we drove, Gain told me how the Mandi women controlled family property and had far more independence than women in the majority of Bengali population. Then Gain mentioned the mother-daughter jo ……此处隐藏26687个字…… s, for example, must deal with stressed-out executives; customer-support folk must deal with constant anger and abuse. Because of this, support personnel are most effective when they have the ability to deal with personal rejection without taking it to heart. Therefore, evaluate interview questions before using them. Are those questions geared toward discovering what a person knows or what a person can learn? No candidate will know everything you need. They will always have to learn new things. By creating an interview set that helps you understand how people learn, how they react, and what their overall capabilities are, you will learn a lot more in the long run than simply discovering their knowledge level about a specific technology.

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