第一章 口译导论/商务接待
- Core competences possessed by an ideal interpreter include________. () Alanguage profici…
- Interpreting modes include__________. ( ) Aconsecutive interpreting Bsimultaneous interpre…
- Criteria of translation are__________. ( ) Afaithfulness Bexpressiveness Celegance Dquick …
- Criteria of interpreting are__________. ( ) Acorrectness, smoothness BSmoothness Cquick re…
- Translators are supposed to have linguistic proficiency over interpreters. ( )
- Business reception provides an opportunity for companies to_________. () Aintroduce themse…
- Business reception may take place in different places, including__________. () Aairport Bh…
- Interpreters should accumulate knowledge and expressions relating to __________. () Ahisto…
- Business reception etiquette is dispensable to an interpreter. ()
- Interpreter is the bridge for people who speak different languages to know each other. ()
第十四章 口译中的跨文化意识/商务会议
- Which one is more appropriate for “长途跋涉,您一定累了吧?” () AYou must be tired after a…
- Cross-cultural awareness refers to the formation of a cultural awareness consciously, or u…
- It is very important for business interpreters to have cross-cultural awareness.()
- It is necessary for interpreters to understand foreign cultures. ()
- It is not a big deal for interpreters to strengthen their native culture. ()
- Business meetings can be conducted in person__________.() Aat an office Bover the phone Ca…
- Being a business interpreter, there are some important steps you should take to put your b…
- Local culture can provide interpreters with a way to understand different cultures.()
- A business meeting is a gathering of two or more people to discuss ideas, goals and object…
- The purpose of a business meeting is often to make important decisions regarding the organ…
第十三章 数字口译之趋势语传译/商务谈判(2)
- 去年该公司的手机销量增长了近两倍。() AThe sales volume of mobile phones of this company in…
- 我们公司在本市的投资增加到了四倍。() AOur company has increased its investment in this cit…
- 该公司员工裁剪了近五分之二,开支减少了三成。() AThe personnel of the company have been redu…
- We regret having to inform you that we cannot accept payment by D/P. () A很遗憾的告诉你,我…
- The terms of payment we wish to adopt are confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit.() A…
- The price we quoted is on FOB Shanghai bases instead of CIF Hong Kong bases and our offer …
- W.P.A. plus Risk of Breakage suit your consignment.() A贵方的货物适合于投保水渍险和破碎险…
第十二章 数字口译之单个数字传译/商务谈判(1)
- 85万 A0.85 million B 8.5million C85 thousand D8500 thousand
- 637 万 A63.7 million B6.37 million C637 thousand 63700 thousand
- 70万零500 A 700.5 thousand B700.05 thousand C70.5 thousand D7.005 million
- 36.17 billion A631.7亿 B6317万 C361.7亿 D3617万
- 456 billion A456 亿 B4560亿 C4.56 万亿 D4.56 亿
- After a successful negotiation, the contract has been signed happily. Then the European bu…
- After a successful negotiation, the British guest begins to praise the host ’s pen, whic…
- After days of negotiation, everything went on very well. But this day, because of the gue…
第十一章 口译笔记之符号/商务访谈
- We should have stable and consistent way of taking down simplification, abbreviation and s…
- In order to have a professional note-taking system, we need to memorize as many symbols as…
- Symbols can be combined and extended by using the word stem in the form of a word or symbo…
- The interviewer usually tries to establish a friendly and trustworthy relationship with th…
- In preparation, having a wide-range of knowledge, including word knowledge and background …
第十章 口译笔记之结构/市场营销
- Boxes are ‘bite-sized’ idea units that have been chunked into, so we have to draw a hori…
- When we indent, we note each ‘element’ progressively to the right as we go down the page…
- Marketing refers to activities a company undertakes to promote the buying or selling of a …
- 4Ps are product, price, promotion and place. ( )
第九章 口译笔记之关键词/企业文化
- It’s appropriate for an interpreter to prepare an ink pen and loose-leaf notepad for a co…
- Ideally, an interpreter should at most have 30% of his or her attention on note-taking, be…
- Actual words of source texts are usually effective and helpful to retrieve memory. It is s…
- All the links, explicit or implicit, as well as some 'transcodable' elements that can be h…
- A company's culture is not always expressively defined, but can be reflected in many aspec…
- Background knowledge, familiarity with relevant terms and cross-cultural awareness are nec…
第八章 提炼主旨/产品推介
- Gist interpreting consists of _________.() Acomprehension Bsummarization Cre…
- Gist delivery should be__________. () Aconcise Bobjective Cholistic Din details
- In consecutive interpreting, notes can be used to relieve memory. But interpreters may not…
- Gist interpreting is to deverbalize the source speech and convey its main idea in the targ…
- At the stage of reproduction, the interpreter retrieves what he or she has stored in the m…
- Product promotion is considered as a mode of communication that business adopts for achiev…
- For an interpreter, _______ will help establish rapport with potential clients and make th…
- Launching a new product or promoting products at a trade fair or exhibition is one of the …
- The Product Promotion means disseminating the information about the product, product line,…
- Interpreters are supposed to learn more about the features and functions of the products, …
第七章 记忆信息/公司介绍
- Memory is the process of retaining information over time. ()
- Three phases of memory include memory encoding, memory storage and memory retrieval.()
- Psychological studies of human memory show that memory can be of two types: short-term mem…
- Information is held in short memory for 15 to 60 seconds. ()
- Visualize what the speaker is saying is a good way to train short-term memory.()
- Making the enterprise known to others is crucial to__________. () Aestablishing business r…
- When you are asked to interpret for an enterprise, you are supposed to make full use of on…
- Interpreters should concentrate more on________ while listening. () Athe main ideas Bthe l…
- Just as “Rome was not built in a day”, memory cannot be improved within a short time.()…
- Interpreter can use the basic structure of a speech as a kind of skeleton on which to hang…
第六章 辨识逻辑关系/国际会展
- Speech types include__________. () ADescriptive BNarrative CExpositive DPersuasive
- Persuasive speakers often employ techniques of _____to convince people.() Ainduction Bdedu…
- Interpreting is to “understand and make understood”. ()
- To interpret the speech, one must first analyze the discourse and construct discourse mode…
- Active and analytic listening is vital to understand the speech for subsequent recall an…
- Exhibitors and visitors attend exhibitions to________. () Ashowcase their products Bestabl…
- Why are trade fairs so attractive to exhibitors and visitors?() Amore customers, less time…
- Exhibition interpreters should interpret the main thing despite distracting and stirring f…
- Exhibition interpreters should possess increased mobility and physical endurance.()
- Exhibition interpreters should have loud voice and clear articulation.()
第五章 信息听辩/商务旅行
- Interpreting is a listening-memorizing-reconstructing process.()
- Active listening is listening with a purpose.()
- Interpreters should listen to words instead of meaning.()
- Interpreters should never omit any information the speaker has said.()
- Appreciating speaker’ s intended effect is necessary to realizing it in the target langua…
- Business travel is unnecessary in an era when mobile phones and video conferencing are ubi…
- Face-to-face meetings are important to conduct business. ()
- Activate and mobilize background information is crucial for an interpreter. ()
- Interpreters should convey the related the history or legend of scenic spots in every deta…
- Interpreters never welcome or see off the guests at airports. ()
第四章 公众陈述/商务陈述
- Being a good public speaker can___________. () Aenhance reputation Bboost self-confidence…
- Which of the following strategies can help you become a better presenter? () APlan appropr…
- Presenting information clearly and effectively is a key in getting message across. ()
- Stage fright can be reduced by good preparation and practice.()
- Interpreter should refrain from using too many gestures.()
- The two most common types of business presentations are ____________.() Asales presentatio…
- Business interpreter is supposed to side with the supplier,___________. () Aknowing the pr…
- Business presentation is used to _________. () Ainform Bpersuade Ceducate Dmotivate
- Business presentation is a formal tutorial or introduction of business practices or produc…
- Intra-organization presentations are always conducted by members of an organization to the…
第三章 译前准备之短期准备/礼仪致辞
- Preparing a glossary has the following functions________. () Alearning and assimilating th…
- If the topic is too professional or technical, interpreters need to refer to experts in th…
- Interpreters are supposed to make full use of online resources to do preparation. ()
- Once the glossary list is established, preparation is done. ()
- Time selecting a few quality sources at preparation stage is well spent. ()
- Ceremonial address usually follows a certain structure. ()
- Be familiar with formulaic expression is important in ceremonial address interpreting.()
- Sometimes, the speakers may provide a prepared speech text to the interpreter.()
- Interpreters should never ask for clarification from the speaker in interpreting.()
- Interpreters should never stay silent for a long time in interpreting.()
第二章 译前准备之长期准备/商务宴请
- Generally speaking, interpreters have _________. () Along-term preparation Bshort-term pre…
- When we receive an interpreting task, we should first inquire___________. () Awhen confere…
- A thorough preparation for interpreting include__________. () Aknowing more about the spea…
- The more we, as an interpreter, know and understand about speaker’s background, topic, mo…
- It is impolite for an interpreter to ask for documents for the conference. ()
- By holding a business dinner, businessmen can__________. () Acoordinate relations Benhanc…
- There are various forms of business dinner, including__________. () Abanquets Breceptions …
- Business dinner is an indispensable part of international business activities. ()
- It is possible for interpreters to memorize the English expressions of all dishes. ()
- Chinese food is more than etiquette, and it is an important part of Chinese civilization. …
第十五章 视译/电子商务
- Two main steps in sight translation are___________. () Achunking Banalyzing Cwelding Dmemo…
- Sight translation is the act of the oral translation of a written text.()
- Sight translation is an excellent preparation for simultaneous interpreting.()
- In sight translation, you could never seek perfection as you would do in written translati…
- Syntactic linearity is a golden rule of sight translation.()
- The most traditional types of e-commerce models include____________.() ABusiness to Consum…
- Benefits of e-commerce are_____________.() Aconvenience Bpersonalization Ccustomer experie…
- E-commerce is the buying and selling of good or services via the internet, and the transfe…
- Alibaba.com is one of the world’s largest C2B marketplaces online. ()
- C2C often takes place on platforms like eBay, Taobao and so on.()