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类型:全真试卷  解析:有解析  年份:2022  ★收藏  ✚纠错

Section Ⅰ English-Chinese Translation
Translating the following two passages into Chinese.
1、The labor force is the total number of people (aged sixteen and older employed. The unemployment rate is the percentage of the labor force unemployed but lacking for work. The unemployment rate is a fungible item. Previously, the government gauged unemployment by the number of people who field unemployment claims in a given month. However, because many people who are or become unemployed by the technical definition—that is, they are looking for work—don't qualify for unemployment benefits,the result was a serious under counting of the unemployed. Now the United States relies on the monthly Current Population Survey from the ……此处隐藏15283个字…… .17 percent from 70 percent in 2018 testifies the success of the"Vocational Poverty Alleviation"policy.
    However, compared with general higher education,vocational education remains underdeveloped in China's education domain.According to statistics, China is home to more than 200 million skilled workers, roughly 26 percent of the total workforce. However, there are only 50 million highly skilled workers,representing 28 percent of the total skilled workforce.Vocational education is undervalued by some as"inferior".To improve the recognition and attractiveness of vocational education,we must promote the benefits of skilled workers and open up career development channels.    

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