Unit 1 The basics of instructional design
- Learning is acquiring or getting _______ or _______by study, experience, or instruction. (…
- Instructional design aims to produce instruction that will facilitate learning effective…
- Behaviorists regard learning as _______. ( ) Athe discovery of rules Ban interactive pro…
- Cognitivists regard learners as _______ of information. ( ) Apassive receivers Bactive p…
- Constructivists believe that language develops through the _______ between an individual…
- Instructional design aims to make learning more_______, _______, and _______. Acomplex B…
- Teaching is the activities which are intended to guide and facilitate learning. ()
- The concepts of “teaching” and “instruction” are quite often used interchangeably. ()…
- “Teaching” and “learning” are two separate concepts which have no intrinsic relationsh…
- Instructional design reminds teachers to prepare materials beforehand. ()
- ADDIE stands for Analysis, _______, Development, _______, and _______. ( ) ADesign BI…
- The most critical analyses to be carried out at the Analysis stage are _______ analysi…
- At the Gaining Attention stage, the teacher can capture learners’ attention by ______…
- At the Providing Guidance stage, the teacher should_______, _______, _______, etc. ( )…
- The common characteristics of many instructional design models are: _______, _______,…
- Frequently providing feedback helps learners figure out what they’re doing well and what …
- The teacher should inform students the required performance and criteria for standard per…
- The teacher should inform students the required performance and criteria for standard per…
- When presenting new contents, the teacher should structure the information in a meaningful…
- It is necessary for the teacher to help students transfer the new knowledge and skills ont…
- Teacher and teacher performance should be the focal point of instructional design. ( )
- Instructional objectives describe _______. ( ) Athe process of instruction Bwhat the lea…
- Cognitive learning domain objectives concern with _______, _______, and _______. ( ) Aunde…
- Psychomotor learning domain objectives concern with special _______. ( ) Askills Bemotion …
- Affective objectives emphasize _______. ( ) Aacting Bthinking Cfeeling Dimaging
- According to Robert Mager, instructional objectives should contain three basic component…
- A well-formulated objective should be _______, _______, and _______. ( ) Adividable Bspeci…
- Instructional objectives emphasize student behaviors, rather than the behaviors of the in…
- “Enjoying music” is a cognitive domain objective. ( )
- Using action verbs helps to make objectives more specific, observable and measurable. ( )
- “Know” is an action verb that can be easily observed. ( )
- An instructional procedure is a framework or a model that is planned and implemented to ar…
- The acronym PPP represents _______, _______, and _______. ( ) Apresentation Bproblem Cpr…
- The focus of the Activate phase in the ESA model is the_______ of the language. ( …
- The five components of a five-stage model are _______, elicitation, _______, accurate repr…
- The objective of the Pre- stage in PWP model is to _______ and help them to prepare for th…
- PPP is a model used to describe typical stages of the inductive way of teaching language k…
- During the Engage phrase, a teacher can arouse the students’ interest and attention by a …
- During the accurate reproduction stage, the students should be asked to repeat and practic…
- Debates and role plays are examples of post-stage activities to help students integrate wh…
- All instructional procedures introduced in this lecture have to take place in a linear ord…
- “Assessment” and “_______” are sometimes used interchangeably. ( ) Aexamination …
- Teachers use the results of formative assessment to _______. ( ) Amake adjustment and im…
- Summative assessments are said to be _______. ( ) Aassessment for learning Bassessment a…
- When designing language classroom assessment, a teacher should align the assessment activi…
- If a teacher wants to assess whether students can explain something or not, he/she may cho…
- Tests are subsets of assessments. ( )
- Formative assessment is usually done after the instruction to determine where the students…
- Good teachers constantly assess students’ learning in the process of the instruction. ( …
- Standardized tests are formative assessments. ( )
- Teachers need to use many different assessments so as to best represent the students' lear…
Unit 2 Desgning Pronunciaiton teaching
- The study of pronunciation includes _______. ( ) Aattention to the particular sounds of …
- Phonological awareness refers to _______. ( ) Aan individual’s awareness of the sound s…
- The hypothesis that a biologically determined period of life when language can be acquired…
- The objective of pronunciation teaching should be _______. ( ) Agetting learners to acqu…
- Pronunciation refers to the production of sounds that we use to make meaning. ( )
- There are two reasons why we should teach pronunciation. The first is the role of pronunci…
- In a foreign language learning context, teachers needn’t spare special efforts to focus o…
- In a foreign language learning environment, it is compulsory for students to acquire nati…
- Intelligibility implies two types of ability: the speaker's ability to say words or senten…
- The most important factor influencing pronunciation is motivation. ( )
- Individual sounds are the basic units of pronunciation, and are often referred to as _____…
- Vowels and consonants go together to make _______. () Awords Bphrases Cphonemes DAllophone…
- Monophthongs are described according to _______, _______, _______. ( ) Athe height of th…
- The combination of stressed and unstressed syllable produces the _______of English sentenc…
- Learning pronunciation is to learn to produce the sounds of English accurately enough. ()
- A diphthong is a single sound produced when two vowels, one dominant in duration and stres…
- The syllable which carries secondary stress is said with less breath effort than unstresse…
- The diphthongs can be described according to the vowel height, frontness and the roundedne…
- Consonants are described and classified according to their production: manner of articulat…
- A falling-rising tone signals a question or continuation. ()
- Teachers need to provide learners with generous degrees of affective support during pronun…
- Teachers need to provide learners with generous degrees of affective support during pronun…
- _______is beneficial for improving learners’ pronunciation intelligibility. () ATeaching …
- Morley in 1994 speaks of the pronunciation teacher as a “_______”. () Aknowledge deliver…
- When offering feedback, teachers could_______. () Asupport learners’ efforts Bguide them …
- When designing pronunciation activity, it is important that the design should be appropria…
- Different kinds of intelligences may include musical, interpersonal, spatial-visual, and l…
- Tone awareness activity is suitable for correcting errors in pronunciation teaching. ( )
- When students engage in pair or group working to improve their pronunciation, teachers don…
- All APPs related to pronunciation can be used in pronunciation teaching. ( )
- Students can evaluate their pronunciation level by themselves. ( )
- Which of the following techniques can be used to teach pronunciation? ( ) Asound discrim…
- ________ technique focuses mainly on warming up the organs of speech through tongue exerci…
- ( ) means that all people have different kinds of “intelligences”, and we could offer va…
- ________ helps learners to focus attention on the horizontal tongue movement in pronouncin…
- When designing pronunciation activity, it is important that the design should be appropria…
- Different kinds of intelligences may include musical, interpersonal, spatial-visual, and l…
- When students engage in pair or group working to improve their pronunciation, teachers don…
Unit 3 Designing Vocabulary teaching
- Without ( )very little can be conveyed, without ( )nothing can be conveyed. () Agrammar, v…
- When we teach students a word, we should teach its _______,______________. () Aform Bmeani…
- ( )vocabulary refers to words that one is able to recognize and comprehend in reading or l…
- Stern (1983) proposed a framework for examination of second language learning, which inclu…
- Chunks include_______, fixed and semi-fixed expressions and idioms. () Along phrases Bslan…
- Without an extensive vocabulary and strategies for acquiring new vocabulary, learners ofte…
- Passive vocabulary refers to words that one is not only able to recognize but also able to…
- As an English teacher, one should teach students all the meanings of a word. ()
- Context-based vocabulary learning works better than wordlist-based vocabulary learning. ()
- Incidental vocabulary learning occurs all of the time when we read, listen or watch a movi…
- Vocabulary knowledge can fall into three broad categories: _______,______and________. (…
- The meaning of a word is primarily what it refers to in the real world, that is, its______…
- _______are items that serve as specific examples of a general concept. () AHyponyms BSynon…
- Nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs are_______words. () Afunction Bcontent Cuseful Dkey
- When designing pronunciation activity, it is important that the design should be appropria…
- Different kinds of intelligences may include musical, interpersonal, spatial-visual, and l…
- When students engage in pair or group working to improve their pronunciation, teachers don…
- Teachers should model an enthusiasm for and curiosity about new words through their own be…
- Through_______and_______, students can become familiar with new words and understand how t…
- _______and_______ are two very important strategies for dealing with low frequency words. …
- Teachers can help learners take responsibility in vocabulary learning by_______, _______, …
- When designing pronunciation activity, it is important that the design should be appropria…
- Different kinds of intelligences may include musical, interpersonal, spatial-visual, and l…
- When students engage in pair or group working to improve their pronunciation, teachers don…
- To present vocabulary means to introduce various aspects of the words that the students ha…
- Illustration is very useful for simple words and for visual learners. ( )
- Mime lends itself particularly well to action verbs and it can be fun and memorable.( )
- Flashcards and Pictures are only useful for beginners. ( )
- There is no better way to make a person remember something than to see, smell, touch and t…
- If students talk about cities while studying Geography, for instance, it will be easier fo…
- Composing some short stories based on new words learners just learned is the best way to p…
- Composing some short stories based on new words learners just learned is the best way to p…
- Using prefixes and suffixes to build new lexical items from given words is a good way to l…
- In foreign language teaching and learning, fluency development involves making the best us…
- Guessing meaning from context is not a good way to develop vocabulary. ( )
Unit 4 Designing Grammar teaching
- _____believes Grammar is a set of rules that define how words (or parts of words) are comb…
- ( ) considers grammatical structures not only have form, but also are used to express mean…
- A communicative view sees grammar as a resource that enables us to _______. ( ) Aget thing…
- The major factors or variables that influence the importance of grammar learning are______…
- Diane Larsen-freeman claims grammar is the structural foundation of our ability to express…
- It is generally accepted that grammar is seen as the way language manipulates and combines…
- Grammar is something to be learned as an end in itself. ()
- While in teaching grammar, teachers provide the means by which students can build up the s…
- It is unnecessary for all people to learn grammar ().
- Grammar is the vital component in the human mind that allows us to use language for any pu…
- ( ) believes that grammar embodies the three dimensions of form, meaning, and use? () ADav…
- The _______ of grammar mainly focuses on the accuracy of grammatical points. () AForm BMea…
- Creating a() _______ plays an important role in introducing new grammatical structure. () …
- When students can transfer grammatical knowledge to relevant situations, this grammatical …
- When teaching grammar, teachers should pay more attention only to the form of certain gram…
- “Meaning” in three dimensions of grammar focuses on its appropriateness, when and why it…
- Teachers should help their students to use the structures meaningfully and appropriately b…
- Grammatical structures should be taught in isolation. ()
- Teachers should organize more drilling exercises for grammar. ()
- Meaning communication is very important for acquiring certain grammatical structures. ()
- The approach that teacher gives a grammatical explanation or rule followed by a set of exe…
- ( ) approach proposes that the teacher presents the learners with samples of language and,…
- When teaching grammar, we should focus on _______knowledge. () Aaffective Bprocedural Cenc…
- Teachers should make clear the relationship between grammatical form and _______function. …
- Inductive is better than deductive approach for teaching grammar. ()
- Inductive approach requires less mental effort, and most students like this method. ()
- Deductive approach needs greater mental effort, and it takes more time for learners to com…
- Inductive techniques appear to result in learners retaining more of the language in the lo…
- Declarative knowledge is knowing language rules ()
- Students need to develop mastery of target language items by memorizing rules. ()
- ( ) method is known as a “top down” approach when presenting grammar. ( ) AInductive BFo…
- The major disadvantages for deductive method include_______. ( ) AIt can make students pas…
- The major merits for inductive method include ( ). AIt is time-saving. BStudents discove…
- The major kinds of practice when teaching grammar include ( ). AMechanical BUseful CMean…
- In deductive method, students implicitly discover grammar rules while working through exam…
- Production stage can be defined as the activity through which language skills and knowledg…
- Meaningful practice refers to a controlled practice activity which students can successful…
- Communicative practice refers to activities where practice in using language within a real…
- In production stage, the structures are being used freely and incorporated into prior know…
- When designing practice activities, teachers should spend more time on mechanical practice…
Unit 5 Desiging Listening teaching
- The act of listening involves complex( ) ,( ), and ( ) processes. Aaffective Bcogni…
- To listen well, listeners must have the ability to decode the message, the ability to appl…
- Three different kinds of listening comprehension processes are often referred to as …
- Listening skills and strategies need to be taught in that teaching listening allows studen…
- In bottom-up processing of listening comprehension, listeners understand the information t…
- Listening is receiving language through the ears. (
- Compared with speaking, listening is a static process. ()
- Listening is the most frequently used language skill. ()
- Bottom-up processing goes from language structure to meaning, but top-down processing goes…
- In listening comprehension, listeners’ psychological factors play little roles. ()
- The items that should be taught in listening instruction include ( ), ( ), and ( ). Athe…
- Improving listening comprehension requires explicit and systematic instruction of ( ), ( )…
- Given the different background knowledge between the target-language and students’ native…
- Listening strategies can be classified into three categories: ( ),( ), and( ) . Ameta-co…
- Metacognitive strategies in listening comprehension mainly include ( ),( ), and ( ). Ahear…
- Listening comprehension is the interpretation of spoken language and this includes the rec…
- The cultural background has a significant effect on the listening process. ()
- It is advisable to incorporate multiple skills in a listening lesson rather than target ea…
- Predicting, interpreting, storing, and recalling information are metacognitive skills. ()
- Social-affective strategies refer to learning by interaction with others. ()
- The principle of authenticity in listening teaching means using authentic ( ) and contexts…
- About language content, Morley proposes three principles of the choices to attract learner…
- In order to foster transfer of training, the best listening lessons present in–class acti…
- In order to foster transferable value of listening teaching, the lessons present in class …
- In teaching listening, the top-down processing means interpreting the text in the light of…
- Authentic listening materials can be from many different sources, including TV and radio b…
- In teaching listening, the principle of Relevance means that both the listening lesson con…
- The purpose of language use tasks is to give students practice in listening for informatio…
- Students listen for the gist, and then the detailed information, which is the top-down pro…
- Bottom-up process alone is enough for successful listening comprehension. ()
- The first stage of pre-listening usually involves activating ( ) in order to help students…
- ( ) and ( ) are the frequently used pre-listening tasks. ( ) Abrainstorming Bextracting de…
- While-listening activities can provide a ( ), showing students what is important about any…
- While-listening activities are designed for students to identify what’s important in a pa…
- Such activities as ( ),( ),( )and role-play can be carried out as post-listening activitie…
- In designing listening teaching, listening sequences are usually divided into three parts:…
- Prediction can boost students’ top-down processing, making it easier for them to use thei…
- In while-listening stage, students usually listen once for the gist. ()
- While-listening tasks help to show whether students understand the listening passage or no…
- In teaching listening, listening sequences: pre-listening, while-listening and post-listen…
Unit 6 Designing Speaking teaching
- Speaking is the delivery of ( ) through the mouth. Alanguage Binformation Cideas Dthoughts
- Fluency is typically measured by ( ) of access or production and by the number of hesitati…
- Inhibition, ( ), ( ), and ( ) can be the problems that teachers come across in getting stu…
- According to Harmer, the reasons that students use mother tongue in class can be the follo…
- The affective factors, such as confidence, ( ),( ), and( )can affect students’ speaking p…
- To speak, we create sounds using many parts of our body, including the lungs, vocal tract,…
- Teaching speaking is to teach students to produce the English speech sounds and sound patt…
- Accuracy is typically measured by the amount of error and complexity by the presence of mo…
- Students’ fear of making mistakes, criticism or losing face can lead to inhibition in spe…
- Performance conditions, such as time, pressure, planning, standard of performance and amou…
- It is necessary to teach pronunciation, grammar, ( ), and ( ) in speaking instruction. Avo…
- In speaking instruction, pronunciation is ( ) and also ( ). Athe way in which a word or a …
- In teaching speaking, the two basic ways to teach vocabulary are through ( ) and ( ). A…
- Some rules, such as turn-taking, conversation initiation, and ( ) etc. govern social inter…
- The manner in which we use ( ), ( ), and ( )affects the messages we are trying to give. Av…
- To speak, we create sounds using many parts of our body, including the lungs, vocal tract,…
- Accuracy is typically measured by the amount of error and complexity by the presence of mo…
- Students’ fear of making mistakes, criticism or losing face can lead to inhibition in spe…
- Performance conditions, such as time, pressure, planning, standard of performance and amou…
- In speaking teaching, teachers need to adhere to the principles of focusing on ( ) and ( )…
- To provide intrinsically motivating techniques and maintain interest, teachers need to try…
- Although it is not easy to keep coming up with meaningful interaction, teachers need adher…
- In speaking teaching, we need to bear in mind ( ), from language-based focus on accuracy t…
- Since skills in producing language are often initiated through comprehension, in listening…
- To help students develop fluency the teacher need constantly interrupt them to correct the…
- To intrinsically motivate students, the teacher can appeal to students’ need for knowledg…
- To maintain learners’ interest, activities need to be short and varied, and to involve th…
- Typical classroom interaction is characterized by teacher initiation of language for fear …
- There is no need to teaching strategies in speaking teaching. ()
- Teaching speaking is challenging for many English teachers because speaking involves the u…
- In teaching speaking, Goh and Burns recommend to provide ( ) , such as pre-teaching vocabu…
- According to Goh and Burn, in conducting speaking task, students practice a communicative …
- In while-speaking stage, ( ), such as a role play, a game, a discussion or a debate are us…
- An information transfer activity is a kind of ( )where the students respond to what they h…
- Speaking is a highly complex and dynamic skill that involves the use of several simultaneo…
- There are usually structured activities used to promoting speaking skills, including pre-s…
- At pre-speaking stage, the teacher’s role is to get students to think about what they are…
- While-speaking stage is the time for students to practice speaking in which the teacher ha…
- An important part of the post-speaking activity is the focus of developing speaking skills…
Unit 7 Designing Reading teaching
- Reading is making meaning from written words and it is about _______, _______, and _______…
- Such elements as _______, _______, _______, and strategy define the act of reading. Athe t…
- Three models of reading process are _______, _______, and _______. APWP model Bbottom-up m…
- Many factors such as readers' vocabulary knowledge, _______, _______, _______, may affect …
- Reading is a process that results from a negotiation of meaning between the text and its r…
- Fluent readers are “decoding” each word they encounter.()
- In bottom-up reading, readers focus on the meaning of what they are reading rather than on…
- In the interactive model of reading, there is interaction between the reader and text and …
- Relationship between the second language learners’ first language literacy and the develo…
- Reading purposes vary according to different situations for different people. ()
- As to knowledge in teaching reading, it is of great importance to include_______, _______,…
- Chamot and O'Malley (1994) categorized reading strategies into _______, meta-cognitive str…
- In Anderson (1991)’s Reading Strategy Checklist, types of reading strategy include_______…
- According to New English Curriculum Standards for Senior High Schools (2017 edition, revis…
- Reading is a complex process and it involves different component skills and knowledge area…
- Automatic recognition skills require lots of mental processing to recognize text, especial…
- Meta-cognition involves reflecting on what one is doing.()
- Predicting the theme and content is a socio-affective strategy.()
- Socio-affective strategies can be developed through such activities as pair or group work,…
- Compensation strategy can help readers to understand a text through the background knowled…
- Students' background knowledge for reading can be greatly activated by setting goals, ____…
- As to building a strong vocabulary base for students’ reading comprehension, three questi…
- In interpreting some complicated or difficult sentences in reading texts, it is better to …
- When selecting reading texts, teachers should keep the balance between ______and_____. Afl…
- Automatic recognition skills require lots of mental processing to recognize text, especial…
- Meta-cognition involves reflecting on what one is doing.()Meta-cognition involves reflecti…
- Predicting the theme and content is a socio-affective strategy.()Socio-affective strategie…
- Pre-reading activities should be able to get readers' attention,____ ,___ , establish a pu…
- Pre-reading activities may include _____, _____, discussing new vocabulary, creating …
- For question-answering activity in while-reading phase, questions can be asked for ___, …
- For the activity of retelling in post-reading phase, _____, ____, ____ can be provided for…
- Students’ prior knowledge about the reading topic can be activated by brainstorming activ…
- It is beneficial to ask students to justify their answers in “true or false statements” …
- Scanning is reading rapidly in order to get a general overview of the material. ()
- Drawing mind-map based on the text is one form of information transferring activity. ()
- Multiple choice questions are easier than translation or table-filling.
- False summary may mislead the readers about text understanding. ()
Unit 8 Designing writing teaching
- Generally speaking, _______ ______belong to productive skills. Alistening Bspeaking Cr…
- As the purpose and rationale differ from people to people, there are different writing tea…
- Derya Altınmakas (2019) identified several factors influencing writing learning. Among th…
- That “sentences were the building blocks of discourse, and that discourse was created by …
- The view that “Writing is not only an individual task, but involves social collaborative …
- When we teach students how to write a book report, we probably employ the ( )approach. () …
- Most people acquire the spoken language (at least of their own mother tongue) intuitively,…
- Proponents of genre-based writing recognize and accept the reality that there will never b…
- The purpose of writing, in principle, is the expression of ideas, the conveying of a messa…
- In speech, the information is conveyed through many more words: there are a lot of repetit…
- When we study a model written text, we should focus on( ) ,( ) ,( ) ,and grammar and…
- Feedback can be given on( ), ( ),( ). Acontent Blanguage use Corganization Dspecial audi…
- By reading a text, showing pictures, ( ), and( ), we can introduce the topic to students…
- We can use _______, ______,________ to start organizing a possible shape for the text. Ano…
- Teaching writing just means setting a writing task, leaving the students to do it (perhaps…
- The teacher can help students study sample and model texts similar to what they want to wr…
- There is no need to go through the draft again after teacher’s feedback. ()
- A very good way to overcome blank page terror and get ideas flowing is to fast-write. ()
- Students often benefit from preparing a draft version before the final one. ()
- Peer review is not necessary at the final stage of writing. ()
- Learners should bring experience and knowledge to their writing. ( )
- Learners should write with a message-focused purpose for that most writing should be done …
- Different genres use different writing conventions and draw on different language features…
- Learners should not have conscious strategies for dealing with parts of the writing proces…
- Learners should use writing to increase their language knowledge. ( )
- Teachers should mark and correct all the mistakes in students writing. ( )
- Computers provide very useful ways of providing feedback, so teacher’s feedback can be ne…
- “Practice makes perfect”, and it is still true as far as writing is concerned. ( )
- Creative writing is writing that creatively expresses the writer’s thoughts and feelings …
- Appropriateness is as important as accuracy in expressing ideas. ( )
- Murray (1980) distinguishes three general stages in writing, including_______, _______, __…
- Activities related to the rehearsing phase include_______, _______, _______and information…
- Students are given a number of paragraphs and reorder them to make an essay, it is an acti…
- Teacher’s feedback can be given on _______, _______ _______. Amerits and flaws Brough…
- At rehearsing stage the writer must know how many of the ideas or how much of the informat…
- Revising can occur at any time in the composing process. ( )
- Free association means that students are supposed to quickly say whatever words or sentenc…
- Information gathering activities may include interviews, opinion surveys, field trips, and…
- Teacher’s feedback may take place at several stages during the writing process, rather th…
- Reduction exercise can help students improve their redundant sentences. ( )